Department of Economics and Finance

Message from the Chair
High-Impact Campaign
Department Events
Spotlight on Students
Alumni in the News
Focus on Faculty

Message from the Chair

I welcome the opportunity to bring you an update on what the Department of Economics and Finance is accomplishing. I hope that it will motivate you to contact one of us to have further conversation.

Despite the obvious fiscal challenges, the department delivers high-quality education and continues to expand into new areas. Our latest innovation falls in the area of real estate. While the department always meant to establish a curricular presence in this important asset class, it was not possible for a variety of reasons. Recently, we identified an alumna from SIUE’s MBA program, Ms. Susan Carroll Bailey, to offer a course in real estate finance and investments. The class was immediately filled to capacity with eager students, and we look forward to expanding this and other professional practice areas. Ms. Bailey has spent decades in leadership positions in commercial lending and real estate, and students greatly benefit from her practice-oriented instruction, and she greatly enjoys sharing her financial and real estate acumen with eager young minds.

Our alumni and their collective experience are a great resource to us, and we would be remiss to squander that. Therefore, I urge you to keep in touch and reach out through email or a call to one of your professors. Of course, the opportunity to engage is open in many forms – visiting as a guest speaker, teaching a practice-oriented course in the field of your specialization, attending one of the events where we put alumni and students together (etiquette dinner, held once each semester). For example, Nikola Bundalo and Ryan Price, graduates of our MS program in ECON/FIN, are presently teaching finance and management science courses and bringing their industry expertise to the classroom. We also enjoyed hosting another MS graduate in ECON/FIN, Mark Webster at the etiquette dinner where he shared his industry experience and advice with business students.

So, just let us know that you are interested and we shall try to match your interests with an experience. You can always reach me at

Rakesh Bharati, Professor of Finance
Chair, Economics & Finance Department

High-Impact Campaign

Why give to the School of Business’ Honor our Past, Build Our Future Campaign?

What better way to give back to SIUE while also thanking someone who has been vital to your SIUE education.

The SIUE School of Business faculty has impacted more than 26,000 business alumni to date. Our School and programs are consistently ranked among the very best, due in large part to the dedication of our faculty. They teach, evaluate and get the job done for our students. The School of Business has alumni at some of the highest-level positions at some of the largest global companies. We can put our alumni toe-to-toe with the graduates of other highly regarded business programs, and they will come out on top.

Visit us online to support our campaign.

Department Events

The Economics & Finance Club members are presently busy with the stock picking competition within the School, under the supervision of Dr. Jategaonkar. This valuable activity provides students hands-on experience in security analysis, and the group meets twice a month.

Dr. Belasen is presently leading Beta Gamma Sigma, a premier honor society for business excellence; the society is holding its induction ceremony on April 30.

Undergraduate ECON/FIN students will be presenting their senior project posters on April 27.

Spotlight on Students

Ajim Uddin (photo left), a student in the MS in ECON/FIN, recently received a Competitive Grant Award. Our congratulations go to him. Ajim Uddin's research on the Bangladesh Stock Market was also selected for presentation at the Graduate Research Symposium organized by the SIUE Graduate School.

Robert Clark (BS ECON/FIN program) and Ahn Phan (MS ECON/FIN program) received the Access Scholarship from the Institute of Certified Financial Analysts.

At the School of Business Scholarships and Awards Luncheon on March 22, 2017, the following scholarships and awards were presented to Economics & Finance students:

  • Paul J. Baeske Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship: Lexie Small
  • Wilbur L. Campbell, Jr. Outstanding Student Leadership Award: Lexie Small
  • Homer L. & Helen L. Cox Scholarship: Peter Buchanan, DavaLee Lake & Emma Vachalek
  • Economics Alumni Graduate Student Award: Dylan Corgan
  • Robert S. Hoeke Scholarship: Jenna Gwaltney & Ethan Trekell
  • M.R.V. Iyengar Memorial Award in Economics: Dylan Corgan
  • Luan Memorial Scholarship in Economics: Tiffany Minx
  • Dr. Richard T. Nyerges Memorial Scholarship: Lauren Laney
  • Rotary Club of Edwardsville Scholarship: Maggie Doolin
  • William & Florence Schmidt Memorial Scholarship: Brandon Johnson
  • Sarah Sullivan Award in Management Science: Mia Frogner
  • Wells Fargo Scholarship: Alexander Frank & Austin Tuttle

Alumni in the News

Ryan Price graduated with a bachelor’s in economics and finance in 2013 and a master’s in economics and finance in 2014. In addition to lecturing at SIUE, he holds a position as a quantitative analyst for Aggio, where he integrates data for clients who are typically in agriculture or animal health. To do so, he utilizes statistical, programmatic and mathematical methods to gather missing values. As a lecturer, he teaches business statistics and finance courses to undergraduate students, and corporate finance (MBA) at the graduate level.

Read more more about Ryan here.

Focus on Faculty

Dr. Demirer recently gave an interview to the Illinois Business Journal on the stock market performance following the elections. Look for the interview in the April issue. The faculty continue to be highly productive in academic research. More than fifteen publications were produced by the department in the last year. Drs. Demirer and Kutan were highly productive. 

Click here to see a sample of Economics & Finance faculty publications.