Scenes from SIUE Concert Jazz Band Center Stage for An Evening with the Chancellor at Jazz St. Louis

Fresh off opening night of the Jazz Alumni Concert on the campus of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, the SIUE Concert Jazz Band traveled across the river to take center stage at Jazz St. Louis, a top performance destination providing exceptional entertainment in the St. Louis Metro Area for three decades. “An Evening with the Chancellor” on Thursday, Feb. 6, brought together an audience of SIUE Alumni and members of The Chancellor’s Circle who contributed the majority of the $13 million raised during the previous fiscal year, ending June 30, 2024, according to Connie Collins, CFRE, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement (VCUA) and CEO of the SIUE Foundation.
“For three straight consecutive years, Connie and her team have posted record numbers for fundraising for the University,” said Chancellor James T. Minor, PhD. “Any university leader will tell you that it is the support of alumni, corporate partners and friends in the community that achieve the ambition of the university.”
And, after a hearty thank you, Minor counted in the SIUE Concert Jazz Band.
The swinging sounds from the talented students also included accomplished alumni performers Austin Cebulske ('12), saxophonist, Kara Baldus ('03, '05), pianist, Nick Jost, (‘08, ‘12), bassist, and Marty Morrison (‘09, ‘12), percussionist.
Jazz St. Louis Director of Education and Community Engagement and pianist Adaron “Pops” Jackson (‘02) joined saxophonist Jason Swagler, SIUE director of jazz studies, for a mesmerizing duet of “Dreamsville” by Henry Mancini. Jackson also sat in with Baldus to play four hand piano along with the band under the direction of Garrett Schmidt, associate professor of jazz studies.
The jazz studies program at SIUE was launched as a degree program in 1982.
To support SIUE, visit the donation page for the Chancellor’s Circle.
Photos by Howard Ash