SIU System Comes Together for a Unique Evening of Connection and Creativity

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University (SIU) School of Medicine and SIU Carbondale alumni and friends joined SIU System President Dan Mahony, PhD, and Chancellors Austin A. Lane, EdD, and James T. Minor, PhD, for an evening at Third Degree Glass Factory in St. Louis, Mo.
“It was a great evening of connection and creativity, bringing together alumni and friends from SIUE, SIUC, and the School of Medicine. More than just a reception, it showcased the strength of our greater SIU community,” said Cathy Taylor, MPA (’15), Associate Vice Chancellor for University Advancement and Executive Director of Alumni and Donor Relations. “I’m grateful for the collaboration among our campuses, and we look forward to future opportunities to bring together alumni and friends of our System.”
The networking evening included a live glassblowing demonstration, with opportunities for guests to create individual custom glass tiled coasters. Campus leaders provided university updates and an opportunity to celebrate the SIU System.
Photos by Howard Ash