SIUE Summer Engineering Camp Introduces Next Generation of Engineers

The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Engineering (SOE) hosted its annual Engineering Summer Camp, a longstanding tradition for high school students passionate about STEM. Throughout two separate week-long sessions from June 3-7 and June 10-14, campers explored the world of engineering through various hands-on activities and challenges from every field offered in the SOE.
"Our campers learn tools to design and prototype, learn about global engineering challenges, such as energy and water quality, and gain hands-on experience in each of the fields that we offer in the School of Engineering," said Chris Gordon, PhD, camp director and SOE associate dean.
The summer camp is constantly evolving and staying up to date with current trends and technologies in the engineering industry.
"Our teacher-scholar faculty are at the cutting edge of engineering development," said Gordon. "Through their involvement in camps, our campers see the challenges and opportunities ahead as they identify their areas of interest."
From rockets and robotics to 3D modeling and computer science, campers enhanced their STEM skills through a wide range of engaging activities.
"Our campers leave the summer camps with increased confidence in their problem-solving skills, more insight into which areas of engineering they are most interested, and a thirst for more engineering knowledge," said Gordon. "We often see our campers return and thrive as they pursue their engineering studies."
The camp's continuous evolution and guidance spark passion for engineering in its campers. One key element is the camp's generous sponsor.
"Thanks to sponsorship from Phillips 66 Wood River Refinery, we have been able to increase the opportunities for scholarship support for campers and to continuously enhance the hands-on experiences throughout the camps," said Dr. Gordon.
Looking ahead, the SOE also plans to launch shorter-duration engineering camps throughout the upcoming year. Stay tuned for registration details in upcoming Office of Online Services and Educational Outreach catalogs.
PHOTOS: Students attend SOE engineering camp; Chris Gordon, PhD, camp director and SOE associate dean