Illinois Business Journal Features Former Student and Highlights SIUE in Career Story
Collinsville Water Treatment Plant Chief Operator Michael Crawford was featured in the Illinois Business Journal. Crawford is an SIUE alumus (2013) who graduated with a bachelor's degree in speech communications, specializing in public relations, and a minor in political science, with a focus on international relations.
In the article, he shared his career path and the training he received during the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville one-year certificate program, SIUE Water Quality Control Operations. Crawford was a student at SIUE Environmental Resource Training Center (ERTC) and graduated in 2016.
"All of our operators here at Collinsville water plant are graduates of the ERTC," said Crawford.
"I am passionate about improving the visibility and reputation of the ERTC and the water and wastewater treatment trade skills as a whole. I think the 82% completion rate and 87% placement rate of the ERTC speaks for itself. The program is huge boon, not to just SIUE, but to the entire midwest for churning out trained, knowledgeable, skilled, and competent water and wastewater operators to work across the region."
The ERTC trains those responsible for operating, maintaining and managing drinking water and wastewater treatment systems.
Graduates are eligible to take Illinois and Missouri certification exams to become certified as public drinking water supply operators and wastewater operators.
PHOTOS: Michael Crawford at Collinsville Water Treatment Plant (photos by Andrew Hargis)