SIUE’s College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Students Draw Praise During Honors Day
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) presented nearly 360 different scholarships and awards to more than 300 students during the College’s annual Honors Day, the largest event that recognizes and celebrates student achievement at SIUE.
Held Sunday, April 16, the colorful event attracted the larger SIUE community of award sponsors, family and friends, faculty and staff, and outstanding students from the various departments in CAS.
“This ceremony represents a celebration of both the outstanding achievements of our students and the generosity of the sponsors whose donations make these scholarships and awards possible,” said CAS Dean Kevin Leonard, PhD. “The scholarships and awards both recognize the excellent performance of the recipients and make it possible for them to continue and complete their studies. Today’s event also makes it possible for donors to our scholarship and award funds to meet the students who have directly benefitted from their generosity.”
Gabriela Gonzalez, a physics major who will be receiving her bachelor’s degree in physics during the forthcoming spring commencement, spoke on behalf of the students in CAS. A recipient of numerous Honors Day awards, Gonzalez won this year’s Dr. Ik-Ju Kang Award, the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, the Physics Upperclassman Award, and the Ella Ott Weisman Award.
“Attending SIUE was, without a doubt, the best decision I could have made and the best thing that could have happened to me and my academic career,” said Gonzalez, who will be undertaking the aerospace engineering sciences doctoral program at the University of Colorado, Boulder beginning this fall.
To find out more about CAS Honors Day, click here.
Photos: SIUE College of Arts and Sciences Honors Day.
Honors Day student speaker Gabriela Gonzalez, senior physics major.
SIUE’s CAS faculty.