SIUE’s Wilkerson Named 2022 Lincoln Academy Student Laureate

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville senior industrial engineering major Carley Wilkerson, of Wilmington, has been recognized by The Lincoln Academy of Illinois as a 2022 Student Laureate.
The Lincoln Academy annually honors one senior from each of Illinois’ four-year, degree-granting colleges and universities for demonstrating leadership and a desire to make a difference in the world through civic engagement.
As a recipient of the 48th Annual Student Laureate Recognition, Wilkerson was awarded a certificate signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker, a Lincoln medallion, a challenge coin, and a $500 stipend.
“Receiving the honor of representing SIUE as a Lincoln Student Laureate has validated that the work I have put into the SIUE community is going to benefit students in the future, both academically and professionally, the same way the work of past students has impacted me,” said Wilkerson.
Wilkerson is involved on SIUE’s campus in many ways. She has served as a student ambassador for the School of Engineering, participated in the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URCA) program, and was selected as president of SIUE’s student chapter of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). She was also named outstanding junior in the Department of Industrial Engineering in 2021.

“I believe this service-oriented mindset will allow me to thrive in the professional world,” Wilkerson added. “I also hope to inspire future students to hold the same mindset regarding service and community wherever they land after graduation."
Photos: SIUE senior industrial engineering major Carley Wilkerson named a 2022 Lincoln Academy of Illinois Student Laureate.
(L-R) Carley Wilkerson, Sinan Onal, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering, and Cem Karacal, PhD, professor and dean of the School of Engineering.