SIUE Invites Community to Native and Indigenous Heritage Month Opening Ceremony
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville will be hosting an opening ceremony to celebrate the start of Native and Indigenous Heritage Month. All are invited to join the virtual event and the in-person watch location and reception from 4-5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1 in the Morris University Center’s International Room on Edwardsville’s campus.
“I expect a deep and complex engagement around the topics of Indigenous sovereignty, conquest, survivance and refusal,” said Derek A. Houston, PhD, associate professor in educational leadership. “There will also be a conversation about the possibilities of thinking beyond the bounds of conquest, particularly for Native peoples but applicable to others in the ongoing pursuit of liberation.”
The opening ceremony feature speakers Sabina Vaught, PhD, Bryan Brayboy, PhD, and Jeremiah Chin, JD, PhD, authors of “The School – Prison Trust.”
The publisher states that the book, “describes interrelated histories, ongoing ideologies, and contemporary expressions of what the authors call the “school–prison trust”: a conquest strategy encompassing the boarding school and juvenile prison models and deployed in the long war against Native peoples. At its heart, the book is a constellation of stories of Indigenous self-determination in the face of this ongoing conquest. Following the stories of an incarcerated young man named Jakes, the authors consider features of school–prison relations for young Native people to ask urgent questions about Indigenous sovereignty, conquest, survivance, and refusal.”
SIUE is committed to building responsible relationships with Indigenous communities through the development of educational pathways and opportunities for Indigenous students and the advancement of research and knowledge about indigenous peoples, cultures, and histories.
“The School – Prison Trust” can be read online free at
To register for the event, visit
The event is sponsored by SIUE’s Inclusive Excellence, Education, and Development HUB, the School of Education, Health and Human Behavior, and Native American Studies program.
Photo: (L-R) Sabina Vaught, PhD, Bryan Brayboy, PhD, and Jeremiah Chin, JD PhD, authors of “The School – Prison Trust.”