SIUE Difference Maker: Tucker Shines as Teacher-Scholar-Mentor

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Kevin Tucker, PhD, assistant professor in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Chemistry, is the epitome of a teacher-scholar: offering numerous opportunities for students to engage in applied research and gaining funding to advance his novel research endeavors.
But, a necessary addition to that designation is mentor. And, amid a pandemic that has made it incredibly difficult for students and educators to conduct laboratory research, Tucker has demonstrated just how much emphasis he places on his role as a teacher-scholar-mentor.
A recent acknowledgement of his impact on students’ success is Tucker’s nomination as a “Difference Maker” by chemistry graduate student and research assistant Katherine Maloof.
“Dr. Tucker is more than an amazing professor and mentor,” Maloof said. “This past year has been one of the hardest in my life, but Dr. Tucker has helped me through it. Without him, I would not be where I am today, and I can say that confidently. He will pick you up when you’re down, and give you what you need to build yourself back up. He truly has a passion for learning and ensuring the success of his students. He goes above and beyond for us, and absolutely deserves to be recognized.”
“I am honored and humbled by Katie’s words,” Tucker shared. “I have a large research lab ranging from 15-20 students depending on the semester, and I truly enjoy mentoring each one of them as a student and as a person. I always want to know my students as a whole individual, because it allows me to mentor them more effectively toward their goals – professional and life.”
Tucker’s research focuses on the detection of pharmaceutical and personal care products, and other contaminants of emerging concern within local and regional waterways and the surrounding soil systems. These compounds include antibiotics, and endocrine disruptors, soaps, cosmetics and agricultural products.
He has worked diligently to overcome the challenges the pandemic has presented by creating policies that allow his research team to continue their important work in a safe environment. He developed lab “zones” that are reserved via a group calendar to ensure proper spacing of students. Additionally, each student wears a mask and face shield in the lab for protection.
Tucker credits students for making his scholarship possible, and knows from personal experience just how valuable effective mentorship is for academic, professional and personal development.
“As I pursue novel research projects and form new collaborations, I know that it is my students and their support and commitment to the lab that will enable me to continue to deliver positive results in the future,” Tucker said. “I remember having professors as an undergraduate who mentored me into the student and professional that I have become. I revered them and am still in contact with them to this day. I expect nothing less of myself with every student that I mentor than what my mentors gave me.”
SIUE is celebrating Difference Makers like Tucker throughout February. These individuals are just a few of the countless University faculty, staff and students who have made hard times a little less difficult for others. They were nominated by colleagues and students.
Photo: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Kevin Tucker, PhD, assistant professor in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Chemistry.