SIUE DREAM Collective Presents “Who’s on First? Student Athletes, Social Justice, Safety and Health”
The DREAM Collective at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is hosting a webinar, entitled “Who’s on First? Student Athletes, Social Justice, Safety and Health” from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CDT Tuesday, Aug. 4.
Registration is available at
College athletes, administrators, presidents and others are invited to join.
Former athletes, scholars and academics will discuss the impact of the unprecedented move by PAC 12 student-athletes announced Sunday, Aug. 2 to opt-out of practices and games if demands around health and safety protection, protection of all sports and individuals involved, ending racial injustice in college sports and society, and economic freedom and equity are not met.
Featured speakers will include Eddie R. Cole, PhD, associate professor of higher education and organizational change at UCLA; Tomika L. Ferguson, PhD, assistant professor and EdD coordinator in the School of Education at Virginia Commonwealth University; James Satterfield, EdD, department head of Counseling, Leadership and Special Education at Missouri State University; and Earl Smith, PhD, who is an American sociologist, currently the Rubin Distinguished Professor Emeritus of American Ethnic Studies at Wake Forest University.
A team of faculty activists from the SIUE School of Education, Health and Human Behavior launched the DREAM Collective in June. The group is building on decades of scholarship to conduct the important work of Dismantling Racism through Education, Advocacy and Mobilization.
For more information, contact the DREAM Collective at and follow the DREAM Collective on Facebook @dreamcollective20, Twitter @DREAMcollect20 and Instagram @DREAMcollective20.
Photo: The DREAM Collective.