SIU SDM Gala Sponsors Dental Scholarships
Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine (SIU SDM) held is fifth annual Dean’s Scholarship Gala Saturday, Nov. 2 at the Westin St. Louis. The SDM continued its annual tradition of awarding at least three Dean’s Scholarship Awards valued at $5,000 to deserving dental students.
Since the Gala’s inception, the SDM has awarded 17 Dean’s Scholarship Awards and provided $85,000 in scholarship funding to deserving students through support from the Gala and the Dean’s Scholarship Endowment.
“Through proceeds from the 2019 Dean’s Scholarship Gala, we fully anticipate meeting our first milestone goal of $350,000 for the Dean’s Scholarship Endowment, which will fully fund three Dean’s Scholarship Awards of $5,000 in perpetuity,” said SDM Dean Bruce Rotter, DMD. “Looking ahead, we are excited to begin the work of increasing both the number and monetary value of the scholarships. Building on the generosity we have seen to date, we believe our future goals are sure to be realized.”
Four 2019-2020 Dean’s Scholars were recognized at the event:
- Alexis Polczynski, of Venedy
- Adam Falasz, of Bloomington
- Mary Beth Di Lisio, of Edwardsville
- Karolina Migus, of Prospect Heights
Rotter said the Dean’s Scholarship Awards have inspired the establishment of additional endowments and scholarships:
- Dr. Lowe Memorial Scholarship – Established by Sherry Baker, widow of SDM alumnus Dr. Larry Lowe, for deserving students. Stefanie Curtis, of Bartlett, and Claire Willenborg, of Effingham, were the 2019 recipients.
- Dr. Keith and Mrs. Peggy Dickey Scholarship Endowment – Established by the SIU SDM Alumni Council.
- Premier Dental Partners in St. Louis has established its own SDM endowment.
- Dr. Chris Maurer Endowment – Established by classmates, friends, family and colleagues of the late Dr. Maurer, it benefits a non-traditional student annually.
- Dr. and Mrs. Sami Latif Endowment – The Class of 1984 alumni established a scholarship to support a student of Middle Eastern descent.
- Dr. Sondra Naegler Memorial Scholarship Endowment – Established by Dr. Kristiane Naegler (Class of 1994) in honor of her mother, a fellow SDM graduate (Class of 1980), to benefit students who are raising one or more children while pursuing their DMD degree.
SIU SDM gratefully acknowledged the support of its Gala Platinum Sponsors: Delta Dental of Illinois, Heartland Dental, Drs. Frank and Carla Orland of Orland Family Dental, Dr. Neal and Mrs. Marilyn Roller, Simmons Hanly Conroy, Dr. Kristoffer and Mrs. Patricia Tumilowicz, and Dr. Bruce and Mrs. Cindy Rotter.
The SIU School of Dental Medicine students manage approximately 35,000 patient visits each year at its patient clinics in Alton and East St. Louis. In addition, students offer oral health treatment, screenings and education to more than 10,000 people annually through a wide variety of off-campus community outreach events. These opportunities provide students the training they need to graduate and become highly skilled dentists. The School of Dental Medicine is a vital oral health care provider for residents of southern and central Illinois, and the St. Louis metropolitan region.
Photo: SIU School of Dental Medicine Dean’s Scholarship awardees Karolina Migus, Mary Beth Di Lisio, Adam Falasz and Alexis Polczynski.