Decorative, Festive Golf Carts Motor across the SIUE Campus
Nineteen golf carts, decorated in balloons, streamers and bedazzle, circled the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville quad and took off for other parts of the campus during the University’s annual golf cart parade on Monday, Sept. 23. The parade was part of the SIUE’s Homecoming Week events that run through Saturday, Sept. 28.
“It’s a beautiful day to be out in a golf cart,” said MacKenzie Weilbacher, Homecoming Week graduate assistant. “Students love this event, because they can express their creativity and have fun.”
“It’s a ton of fun!” exclaimed Maddison Schneider, a junior public relations major and Homecoming Court candidate, who was riding with her Delta Phi Epsilon sisters. “Our sorority always participates in the golf cart parade.”
“It’s a hilarious thing to do,” laughed Caroline Crabtree, a senior speech language pathology major, Homecoming Court candidate and Alpha Phi Sorority president. The sorority decorated their second-place winning cart with silver and maroon balloons, a sorority flag and jingle bells.
Other winning entries and their categories included:
Fraternity and Sorority Organizations
- Kappa Gamma and Delta Chi
Student Organizations
- Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
- Student Government
- Campus Recreation
- Student Affairs
Also participating in the golf cart parade were Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Sigma Tau, Phi Kappa Psi, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Sigma Tau Gamma, Make-A-Wish, SIUE Police Department, University Housing and Campus Ministry.
Students and staff enjoyed a time of fun during the SIUE Homecoming golf cart decorating competition.