Quilt Unveiled to Student Artists at the SIUE East St. Louis Center
There was plenty of finger pointing and squeals, but it was done in amazement and joy. Students from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Center’s (ESLC) Project Success program viewed their finished work of art on Friday, Sept. 13.
Celebrated artist and SIUE alumna Edna Patterson Petty unveiled the quilt that the students took weeks to complete this summer. The Children’s Quilting Project: Healing through Art was made possible through a grant from the SIUE Meridian Society. The creative activity was a collaboration between SIUE, Project Success and the Greater East St. Louis Community Fund (GESLCF).
“It is always a thrill to share in their joy and satisfaction of seeing the completed project,” said Petty. “It’s one thing to cut out the hearts and stick them on a background, and it’s another thing to see how it all comes together. You can see their eyes light up when they recognize the heart they cut out.”
The quilt will be displayed on the East St. Louis campus in an area to be announced later.
“Many of the students were eager to see their handiwork,” said Petty, “and we wanted to show them the quilt before it was officially displayed.”
The Project Success Program is a comprehensive after-school tutorial enrichment childcare program, which services children ages 5-14. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services funds the program. It is designed to serve children who are in protective custody and are referred by the Department of Children and Family Services caseworkers. The program provides services to children living within the St. Clair County and Madison County areas.
Celebrated artist and SIUE alumna Edna Patterson Petty shows ESLC Project Success students their work of art.