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New Horizons

New Horizons
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WELCOME to New Horizons!

New Horizons is a student organization dedicated to raising disability awareness on SIUE's campus. As the president of New Horizons, I would like to invite you to attend one of our meetings or participate in our upcoming events to help promote disability awareness and to support and encourage all individuals who have a disability.

Each semester, New Horizons hosts an event to raise awareness of disabilities. This includes raising awareness on visual impairments, hearing impairments, learning disabilities, mobility and more.

We are based at SIUE in the Office for Accessible Campus Community & Equitable Student Support (ACCESS), which is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1270.

If you are interested in becoming a member or if you would like more information, contact our adviser, Jim Boyle: or And remember—anyone can join New Horizons!

Elena Yoch
President, New Horizons
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