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Improve Your WIFI Connection
Posted April 10, 2019
By: Curt Price
Your internet router uses a specific channel to send data wirelessly. WIFI is convenient and generally and generally fantastic, but a couple problems are:
- There are a limited number of channels available on each router band.
- Most routers default to the same channel.
If you live in a building or dense neighborhood with a lot of access points (wireless connection points, or hotspots), there is therefore, a fairly decent chance that another wifi network in range is using the same channel as you and therefore interfering (or competing) with your channel.
By switching from the congested channel to one further away on the band, you can reduce the amount of congestion on your network.
So, what do you do?
You can download a WIFI Analyzer for your smart phone to see the congestion level of your network's channels and use that info to switch your router to a less congested channel to improve your connection.
Here's how to do that: