Kuali Build and Kuali Research are optimized for the Google Chrome browser. Certain notifications, such as the Kuali Build Begin Review action, will open in your computer’s default browser. For instructions on changing your default browser to Google Chrome, click here.
To open the Begin Review link to Kuali Build in Google Chrome without changing your default browser, right click on the Begin Review button from the email notification, click Copy Hyperlink, open Google Chrome, paste it into your address bar at the top of the screen, and click enter to open. You will need to use the University’s Single-Sign On system and log in with your SIUE credentials.
For a video guide on opening a link in a different browser, see this video.
For a video guide on changing your default browser in Windows, see this video. For a video guide on changing your default browser on a Mac, see this video.
Email kualihelp@siue.edu for assistance.
Group (Subgroup): Faculty
Tag(s): Kuali Build , Kuali Research
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