Research at the SIU is primarily, but not exclusively, non-restricted. Non-restricted research is covered under the Fundamental Research Exclusion (FRE). The FRE allows foreign national researchers at the University to access EAR-controlled items and data for purposes of basic and applied research, the results of which are intended for publication and broad dissemination within the scientific community. However, some fundamental research is informed by “background information” that is export controlled and must be protected. Non-research activities at the University, as well as the limited segment of restricted research, are not protected by the FRE.
The FRE’s protection is nullified if the university or researcher accepts any contract clause that permits restrictions to the publication, dissemination, or access to the research.
The SIU Office of Export Controls must be consulted when any of the following apply:
For an in-depth tutorial on the role of export control in SBIR/STTR, See SBIR/STTR ITAR.
Group (Subgroup): Faculty, Students
Tag(s): SBIR & STTR
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is authorized to operate as a postsecondary educational institution by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
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