Yes. Flying for University-related activities or business requires the drone be flown under the FAA’s Small UAS Rule (Part 107). A person operating a small UAS must either hold a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating or be under the direct supervision of a person who does hold a remote pilot certificate. Under 14 CFR §107.12:
(a)…no person may manipulate the flight controls of a small unmanned aircraft system unless:
(b) …no person may act as a remote pilot in command unless that person has a remote pilot in command unless that person has a remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating issued pursuant to subpart C of this part and satisfies the requirements of § 107.65.
More information on becoming a certified drone pilot can be found at https://www.faa.gov/uas/commercial_operators/become_a_drone_pilot.
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is authorized to operate as a postsecondary educational institution by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
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