Welcome to Scholarships
It is our goal to help you easily find additional information about possible sources of funding. Please take some time to explore the options on this page. You will find information about:
- Current institutional scholarships (those available to a student upon admission), including the terms and conditions
- Where to find additional scholarships through the SIUE Foundation and private sources
- Benefits that may be available to those who have served in the military or dependents of those who have served
If you have questions, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid:
- Phone: 618-650-3880
- Email: finaid@siue.edu
- Office: Room 2308, Rendleman Hall, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Scholarships, Awards and Grants Determine your eligibility for scholarships, awards and grants to help cover college costs. Additional Scholarship and Grant Opportunities Learn more about opportunities for aid from outside sources. Military/Veteran Benefits Browse military and veteran benefits and learn more about campus requirements .