Adaptive Leadership 

Sponsored by TIME (Toward an Inclusive Model of Excellence)

Funded by NSF Advance Award HRD 1008696

Think about a recent problem you have been facing. Does the solution require that you operate differently than you do now? Or do you need to learn more about BOTH the problem and the solution? Maybe the solution requires shifting authority and responsibility to the people who are affected? Perhaps you have to give up past ways of working? Might it take a long time to correct? Does it connect to people’s deeply held values?  Problems like these are called adaptive challenges because they require new ways of thinking about both the problem and the solution.

It can be tough even in normal times to identify and successfully lead lasting change for thorny problems like the ones outlined above, and these times are anything but normal!

In this workshop, we will examine the work Heifetz calls adaptive leadership (Heifetz, 1994; Heifetz & Linsky, 2017): the skills and insights necessary to identify the change work needed and help ourselves and others move past resistance to achieve significant progress. We will:

You will leave this workshop with a new perspective on your next steps in leading adaptive change.

When: Thursday, January 14, 2021 from 11:00 am - 12:15 pm