Assessment of Program Outcomes
The program outcomes are mapped to the curriculum in the “Mechanical Engineering Assessment and Coverage Mapping” on the following page. A letter “c” indicated that the course contains contents relevant to the particular program outcome, but it is not assessed. A letter “A” indicates that the relevant outcome is assessed. The assessment of outcomes in classes is based on rubrics as discussed later in this document. In addition to the assessment for classes, an exit survey for all the graduating seniors is also conducted in the last two weeks of ME 484 ME Design II to provide indirect assessment of each outcome.
Assessment of the culminating experience
The capstone design experience (senior assignment) occurs in a two-course sequence: ME 482 and 484 Mechanical Engineering Design I and II. As these two courses are closely related, the assessment will be reported together. The instructor will also determine the overall performance of each student in these two capstone design courses. This overall performance will be conducted whenever the courses are offered even though each outcome is assessed only once a year.
The projects and exams used for the assessment are given by the instructor of the course. In order to insure consistency, faculty with similar area of expertise will discuss any significant changes of instructional practice and standard of evaluation.