Dr. Carlee Beth Hawkins
Associate Professor
Education: Ph.D., 2013
University of Virginia
Social Psychology
(618) 650-2253
About Dr. Hawkins
Dr. Carlee Beth Hawkins is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. After completing her PhD in social psychology at the University of Virginia in 2013, she was a post-doctoral researcher in the Center for Decision Research at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Then, Dr. Hawkins taught psychology for four years at University of Illinois Springfield. Joining the faculty at SIUE in 2019 was a happy homecoming as Carlee received her B.S. in psychology from SIUE in 2006. Carlee’s research interests concern motivations and strategies for reducing the impact of bias on social and political judgment and behavior. Her current projects include experimental evaluations of online bias education and the impacts of the self-transcendent positive emotion of awe. Carlee’s teaching interests include statistics and research methods, social psychology, psychology of prejudice and stereotyping, multicultural psychology, and psychology of identity. Carlee and her partner Brett have two children, Anita and August, and a dog named Fiki. Carlee also teaches yoga and enjoys cycling, gardening, reading, traveling, and cooking.
Mentoring Statement
Carlee is available to mentor students interested in implicit cognition, stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, multicultural psychology, and political psychology.
Representative Publications
(*Denotes undergraduate collaborator)
Hawkins, C. B., Camp, A. Z.*, & Schunke, M. P. (2025). Experimental evaluation of implicit bias education in the college classroom. Teaching of Psychology, 52(1), 27-32.
Hawkins, C. B., Lofaro, N., Umansky, E., & Ratliff, K. A. (2023). Understanding implicit bias (UIB): Experimental evaluation of an online bias education program. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 29(4), 887–902.
Lee, A. H. Y., Lelkes, Y., Hawkins, C. B., & Theodoridis, A. G. (2022). Negative partisanship is not more prevalent than positive partisanship. Nature Human Behaviour, 6(7), 951-963.
Hawkins, C. B. & Moroney, C.* (2021). The study of independent voters. In Sandy Maisel (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Hawkins, C. B. & Vandiver, A. J.* (2019). Human caregivers perceive racial bias in their pet dogs. Groups Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22(6), 901-919.
Hawkins, C. B., Fitzgerald, C. E.*, & Nosek, B. A. (2015). In search of an association between conception risk and prejudice. Psychological Science, 26, 249-252.
Hawkins, C. B. & Nosek, B. A. (2012). Motivated independence? Implicit party identity predicts political judgments among self-proclaimed Independents. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1441-1455.
Nosek, B. A., Hawkins, C. B., & Frazier, R. S. (2011). Implicit social cognition: From measures to mechanisms. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15, 152-159.