Overview/Hire SIUE Cougars
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Cougar Jobline
Employers can submit requests for employer events, register for career fairs, and post jobs through Cougar Jobline. For additional questions, you may contact us by email (careerdevelopment@siue.edu) or call the front desk at 618-650-3708.
To register with the Career Development Center, the preferred method is through Cougar Jobline (please use login option above). If you experience any difficulties submitting an access request through Cougar Jobline, please submit the Employer Online Registration form HERE.
Getting Started with the NEW Cougar Jobline for Employers - Powered by 12Twenty
Logging into Cougar Jobline:
- Navigate to https://siue.12twenty.com/hire or utilize the Cougar Jobline button above
- To create a 12Twenty SIUE Cougar Jobline account, click on the "Sign up for an account" under the employer login OR if you already have an employer account, you may use existing login credentials
Post a Job
- Select "OCI & Job Listings" from the left navigation panel
- Click on "Job Listings"
- Select "+Post a Job"
- Co-op and Internship postings: we advocate for paid opportunities
- Enter the Job Posting details and select "Submit" to submit your job posting for approval
- The job posting will remain in "Pending Approval" status until it is approved by the SIUE Career Development Center
There are required fields for all job posting, as such, any required field with NA, unknown, or similar language will not be approved. However, if there are no benefits offered, specifically state that none are offered. For more information about "pay scale and benefits" within Public Act 103-0539, please review the Illinois General Assembly website here.
Review Applicants
- Log in and select "OCI and Job Listings"
- Click on "Job Listings"
- You will see all of your postings with number of applicants displayed on right hand side of screen
- Click the blue "applicant" link
- This will list all applicants and their resumes
- You can either click on the ellipsis (3 dots) or click on each "Resume" and view directly on the site
Career Fairs
- To register for a Career Fair, select the "+Register" button under "Attend a Career Fair" on the employer landing page
- Click on the career fair that you would like to attend and click "Register in the top right corner"
- Complete the form for the career fair and click "Register" at the end of the form
- You will see at the top of the registration it will say in yellow "Pending Approval"
- You will receive a confirmation email once the Career Development Center staff approve the registration
- You will receive an invoice in a separate email
Search Student Candidates
- Gain permission to use the Candidate Search tool
- Select Candidate Search from the left navigation panel
- Select filters to narrow down the candidate search and select "Get Results"
On-Campus Interviews
- To register for an OCI, select the "+Register" button under "Register for OCI" on the employer landing page
- Complete the form for the OCI request
- Please keep in mind that you are requesting preference dates and we cannot guarantee that we will have availability on the date requested
- Click "Next" at the bottom of the form to submit your request
- Another screen will pop up and ask you if you want to submit your OCI request, please click "Yes"
- Complete the Job Posting form to complete your OCI request and click "Submit" at the bottom of the form
- Your OCI request is not complete without the job posting form completed
- OCI requests will be sent to the Career Development Center for approval
- You will see a blue banner on your screen stating "Pending Approval" until your request has been processed
- You will also receive an email once your request has been approved by a CDC staff member
Host an Event
Host an Event is to register for Information Tables and more
- To make a request to host an event, select the "+Register" button under "Host an Event" on the employer landing page
- If hosting an event, the user will be brought to the Host an Event page, where they will fill out the required fields, and Submit the event for approval
- A career Development Center staff member may reach out to the employer with any additional questions about the request
- You will receive an email if the even is approved or rejected
Hiring International Students - Myths, DEI, and More
7 Myths About Hiring International Students
https://interstride.com/blog/7-myths-about-hiring-international-students/ (Interstride.com, 2023)
Myth 1: I need to sponsor their visa - For international students and recent international graduates, this simply isn’t true. That’s because these two groups are eligible to work in the U.S. after graduation for up to three years on their F-1 student visas through a program called Optional Practical Training (OPT).
The standard OPT is a 12-month work authorization program that permits international students in all career fields to gain professional experience without having to apply for an H-1B visa. In general, you must work in a job that is directly related to your area of study.
A two-year extension of standard OPT is available to those who have earned science, technology, engineering or manufacturing (STEM) degrees. This includes a wide range of degrees, in psychology, economics, business, and more, and are not colloquially considered STEM but are nevertheless STEM-designated by the Department of Homeland Security.
Each year, about 200,000 workers who came to the U.S. as international students gain valuable experience through the OPT program, with about a quarter of those working under the STEM extension program.
In 2022, President Biden expanded the STEM extension program to include 22 new degree programs. So there is a good chance that your company may be eligible to hire under the STEM extension.
Myth 2: It’s expensive - Myth 2 is an extension of the sponsorship myth. Many employers think they must sponsor young international workers, which does require an investment on the part of the employer. But, again, sponsorship is not required for international students who are still in school or who have recently graduated. For those who are eligible to work through the OPT program, there is no additional cost to the employer when compared to hiring domestic employees.
Myth 3: It’s time-consuming - Again, the reason this myth is wrong is because of the invaluable OPT program. Because the program allows people to work under their student visa for a period of time, no additional work is required. All you must do is provide an offer letter, just as you would for a domestic job applicant. By educating yourself on the process of hiring international students, you can actually save yourself and international candidates time.
Myth 4: I have to prove they are not taking jobs from Americans - No. First of all, with the job market the way it is right now, nobody is “taking” jobs from anybody. After all, there are about two jobs out there for every one person looking for a job. Nonetheless, even in a more normal job market, this is not true. Again, this myth is a misunderstanding of the OPT program, which has no such requirement. Employers must provide such documentation only when hiring and sponsoring foreign citizens for permanent resident status.
Myth 5: I need a lawyer - Again, OPT is easy to navigate and does not require any additional work compared to hiring domestic workers. Therefore, you do not need a lawyer.
Myth 6: They will leave - This myth poses a legitimate question: What happens after a student’s OPT work authorization runs out. Unfortunately, the myth comes up with the wrong answer. Most employees who came to the U.S. as international students will not leave. Instead, they’ll apply for a new visa status through the H-1B program, which authorizes work for another 6 years. Admittedly, H-1B is a bit trickier for the company. This is when the employer must apply on behalf of the employee, with related costs ranging from $5,000 to $7,000, primarily in legal fees. Still, that’s a small price to pay to keep an employee that is already trained and now has experience under his or her belt, especially when a labor market is as tight as it is. According to recent research, the average cost to onboard a new employee is about $4,000.
Even if H-1B doesn’t successfully go through or you choose a pathway other than H-1B, there are many other alternatives for you to retain your international talent.
Myth 7: They won’t fit in - International graduates bring the best of both worlds. They had robust experience in the U.S. academically through their degrees, socially through their lived experience, and professionally through various on-campus and off-campus internships. They also bring diverse perspectives from different cultural backgrounds – and for graduate students, often international work experience – that will add to your team. If anything, international graduates have tremendous adaptability. They understand how to adapt to new countries, cultures, and work environments. Recent research has discovered that 45 percent of Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. were founded by immigrants or by their children. Whether they fit in is up to you more than it is up to them. It is also up to you to take advantage of international graduates as a valuable and diverse pool of skilled talent.
More Informational Links From Interstride Resources
Why Hiring International Students Should Be Part of Your DEI Plan - https://interstride.com/blog/why-hiring-international-students-should-be-part-of-your-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-plan/
Why Hiring International Students Can Help Fill Your Talent Gap - https://interstride.com/blog/why-hiring-international-students-can-help-fill-your-talent-gap/
Seven Reasons Why Employers Should Hire International Graduates - https://interstride.com/blog/seven-reasons-why-employers-should-hire-international-graduates/