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College of Arts & Sciences

College of Arts & Sciences
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The College of Arts and Sciences is grateful to all the generous contributors who helped support excellence in education during this academic year to date. Gifts from alumni, corporations, foundations, and friends allowed the College to offer enhancements to our academic programs.

With your help, CAS was able to assist with scholarships, students awards, assistantships, visiting artists and lecturers, literary journals, student traveling learning experiences, presentations of research at conferences as well as art, music and theater events on campus. Contributions enabled us to also provide funding assistance for department alumni events and the CAS Colloquium. These are just a few of a long list of enhancements that enrich the educational experience of our students-all made possible through CAS alumni and friends contributions.

On behalf of the students and faculty of the college of Arts and Sciences, thank you for supporting excellence in education. We truly could not have accomplished as much as we did this academic year without your generosity. Thank you for your support and for being part of the College of Arts and Sciences family.

Contributors - June 2007 through November 2007
Mr. Muhammad Ahsan
Mr. Franklin L. Akers & Mrs. Joyce S. Akers
American International Group, Inc, Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Grant Andree
Anheuser-Busch Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Dr. Lenora Marya Anop
Mr. Dominic A. Antonacci
Mr. Harry Armstrong & Mrs. Marylyn Armstrong
Mr. Michael G. Arnold & Mrs. Kathryn J. Arnold
Mr. Mark K. Bacus
Miss Benetria N. Banks
Dr. Lisa J. Barr
Dr. Lance D. Barry & Mrs. Anna M. Barry
Dr. Kelly Jo Barry
Ms. Virginia M. Bathe
Mrs. Paula Clare Beals
Ms. Sandra Jo Becker-Warden
Ms. Catherine L. Behrens
Belleville News Democrat
Dr. Carl E. Bentelspacher
Mr. Leonard M. Bertagnolli
Mrs. Margaret L. Blistain
Mr. Michael H. Bouman & Ms. Sandra Bouman
Kathy L. Bowman Revocable Trust
Mr. Frank Braun
Dr. Susan E. Breck
Ms. Joanne D. Brew
Mr. John W. Briggs & Mrs. Jane Shaw Briggs
Mrs. Joanna H. Brock
Mr. Christopher W. Brown & Mrs. Anne M. Brown
Mr. Phillip M. Brown
Dr. Vanessa Ann Brown
Mrs. Gayla J. Bruning
Dr. Derek Buckley
Ms. Susan J. Buckley
Mr. Fred G. Buehler
Mrs. April M. Buel
Dr. Peter Bukalski & Mrs. Anne Bukalski
Mr. Michael Bukowski
Mr. David Burdick & Mrs. Carolyn A. Burdick
Mr. Michael A. Burke
Mrs. Donna M. Carli
Mr. Jon Carlson & Mrs. Jane Carlson
Mr. John W. Cary
Mr. Michael R. Cassidy & Mrs. Marilyn J. Cassidy
Mrs. Michelle E. Catalano
Ms. Paula L. Caveny
Ms. Ethel M. Channon
Mr. David Chapin
Mr. Douglas H. Clark
Mrs. Anjanette M. Clark
Miss Traci L. Claro
Ms. Mysha Roshelle Clincy
Dr. Darryl Ashly Coan
Mr. Peter F. Cocuzza
Mr. Gary R. Coffey & Mrs. Patricia Coffey
Dr. Gregory Collins & Mrs. Jo Ann Collins
Mr. Gregory J. Conroy & Ms. Valerie J. Goldston
Mr. Bill Conway
Mr. George Cooper
Mr. Jeff Cooper & Mrs. Francesca Cooper
Mr. Matther J. Cooper & Dr. Ivy A. Cooper
Mr. Jeremy Coppin
Ms. Katherine J. Costello
Mr. Charles W. Courtney, Jr. & Mrs. Vickie L. Courtney
Dr. Albert Michael Crider & Mrs. Donna P. Crider
Mrs. Helen Gruber Damon & Mr. Robert Damon
Dr. John R. Danley & Mrs. Margaret L. Danley
Ms. Jane E. Danridge
Mr. Dennis P. De Toye & Dr. Lela M. De Toye
Mr. John L. Decoteau, Jr. & Dr. Pamela H. Decoteau
Mr. Richard E. Delmore
Mr. Patrick C. Densmore
Dr. David Lee DeWeese & Mrs. Jerion DeWeese
Mr. Mark T. Dickinson
Mr. Paul Dickson
Dr. P. Ann Dirks-Linhorst
Mrs. Joyce Dohrmann
Mr. Richard Dremuk & Mrs. Patricia A. Dremuk
Mrs. Laura J. Dukett
Ms. Kimberly Hope Durr
Dr. David D. Duvernell
Mr. Patrick J. Ebers
Mr. Gerar Edizel
Dr. Bryon K. Ehlmann & Mrs. Barbara K. Ehlmann
Dr. James E. Eilers & Dr. Virginia Bryan
Eli Lilly & Company Matching Gifts Program
Ms. J. Doralee Ely
Mrs. Shu-Lin L. Englert
Miss Gail A. Evans
Miss Helen A. Evansco
Exelon Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Edna C. Farmer
Mr. Eugene M. Fedor & Mrs. Betty Fedor
Dr. Paul W. Ferguson
Mrs. Sherry T. Flotron
Mr. Howard A. Followell & Mrs. Teenie Followell
Mr. Peter Fornof
Miss Susan K. Foster
Dr. Thomas M. Foster & Ms. Ann E. Robertson
Mrs. Martha L. Fowler & Mr. Bob Fowler
Mr. Edward Fox
Ms. Julie A. Francois & Mr. Kevan Fruendt
Mrs. Lavara J. Frye
Mr. Joseph E. Gallagher & Mrs. Kathleen Gallagher
Mr. Douglas L. Garbs & Mrs. Jill A. Garbs
Gateway Foundation
Mr. Kenneth H. Gattung & Mrs. Connie D. Gattung
Mrs. Florence K.Gillig
Ms. E. M. Goebl-Parker
Ms. Janet Goldenberg
Mrs. Patricia M. Grant-Schapp
Mr. Brian E. Gray
Mrs. Julia E. Green
Mrs. Miriam Greenfield
Mr. William J. Grivna
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Mr. David Guinn
Ms. Lana K. Hagan
Mrs. Angela Hahn
Ms. Kristi Ann Halfond
Mr. Stephen C. Hall
Mr. Richard P. Hampton & Mrs. Holly J. Hampton
Mrs. Julia Y. Hansen & Dr. Stephen L. Hansen
Mr. Thomas W. Harnetiaux & Mrs. Melinda Harnetiaux
Miss Patricia A. Harrison
Mrs. Donna M. Hart & Mr. David S. Hart
Mr. Damon Harveyu
Dr. Marilyn L. Hasty
Mrs. Regina Mary Hays
Mrs. Diana J. Hedrick
Ms. Cheryl L. Heepke
Mrs. Lynn E. Heidinger-Brown
Ms. Sallie C. Heintz
Judge David R. Herndon
Mr. John Mark Herndon & Ms. Diane Herndon
Ms. Claudia K. Herndon
Mr. Michael Herron
Mr. Thomas D. Higgins
Mr. Joseph Ethan Hinton
Dr. Allan Benedict Ho & Mrs. Milagros Ho
Mr. Danny F. Holder
Mr. Henry M. R. Holt & Dr. Julie Zimmerman Holt
Dr. Malaika B. Horne
Mr. Enrique E. Howell
Dr. Susan E. Hume
Mr. John W. Hunt
Mrs. Lori L. Huntley
Mr. Gary L. Hutchison
Dr. Poonam Jain & Dr. Rajneesh Jain
Mr. John G. Jarrett
Ms. Marguerite Jason
Mr. John L. Jatcko
Ms. Dorothy S. Jatcko
Miss Kathy S. Jatcko
Mr. John Jatcko, Jr.
Mrs. Desiree D. Jellen
Dr. Kevin A. Johnson
Ms. Christina L. Kaman
Mr. Robert Kangas
Mrs. Evelyn Kelly & Mr. Clarence Kelly
Mr. Michael P. Kelly
Ms. Kim L. Kirn
Ms. Eugenia A. Klein
Mr. Jerry R. Knaus
Mr. Michael Kopesec
Dr. John Korak, III
Mr. Christopher R. Korves
Mr. Ray Krieg
Mr. Steven K. Kupsky & Mrs. Judith A. Kupsky
Mr. Paul B. Kuyper
Dr. Lois Ann Buchta Ladd
Ms. Betty B. Lantz
Mr. Jason Lee
Mr. Stephen T. Leese & Mrs. Martha L. Leese
Mr. Edward Chay Lemoine
Mr. Robert M. Lewis
Dr. Zhiqing Lin
Mrs. Martha E. Lo Russo
Mrs. Carol T. Lukitsch
Madison County Home & Community Association
Mr. James W. Mager, Jr. & Mrs. Mary E. Mager
Dr. Henry Malench & Mrs. Shirley Malench
Dr. Lillian L. O'Neal Manning
Mr. Richard H. Mannz & Mrs. Theresa S. Mannz
Mr. Mark Mansour
Mrs. Marilyn R. Pomeroy Marsho & Mr. Steve Marsho
Mr. Kevin W. Martin
Mrs. Tricia B. Marton
MasterCard International, Inc.
Mr. David A. Mayo, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Beth Mc Givern & Mr. Gerry Mc Givern
Mr. Richard Mc Namara & Mrs. Suzanne M. Mc Namara
Ms. Tonya McDade
Mr. Raymond G. McDaniel, Jr.
Dr. Jeffrey C. McLellan
Mr. Charles A. Mecum & Ms. Deborah A. Bozsa
Mrs. Beverly A. Meyer
Mr. Dexter M. Montgomery
Mrs. Carol J. Moore
Ms. Louise A. Morgan
Mr. Keith Morton
E. Jeanne Murphey Living Trust
Mr. Richard J. Murphy
Koninklijke Brill N.V.
Ms. Sarah A. Nashold
National Financial Services, LLC
Mr. Richard G. Naylor
Dr. Kent Neely & Mrs. Esther Neely
Mr. Kenneth R. Neher
Mr. Richard A. Neuhaus
Mrs. Suzanne Nevins
Jace F. Nicklien
Norm Marshall & Associates, Inc.
Mr. John W. North & Mrs. Lynn F. North
Mr. Sean Patrick Nyhus
Dr. Gerald V. O'Brien
Mr. Allan O'Connor & Ms. Cindy Shaw O'Connor
Ms. Barbara E. O'Malley
Mrs. Joanne Myler Orfanos
Mr. James O'Roark
Mr. Alan Ortbals
Mr. Paul C. Paris
Dr. Robert H. Parish, Jr. & Mrs. Penny J. Parish
Mr. Jon L. Parkin & Mrs. Vera L. Parkin
Mr. Glenn Patterson
Dr. Karen J. Patty-Graham & Mr. Larry D. Graham
Dr. Thomas R. Paul & Mrs. Kathleen A. Paul
Mrs. Mary Jo Peck
Mr. Robert E. Perry & Mrs. Corrine N. Perry
Dr. Linda W. Perry
Miss Karen M. Peters
Mr. Gene R. Peters & Mrs. Jennifer S. Peters
Ms. Cynthia M. Peterson
Mr. Jonah Petri
Dr. Julie A. Pietroburgo & Mr. Robert A. Pietroburgo
Mr. Edward T. Pinnell, Jr. & Mrs. Marcy B. Pinnell
Dr. Donovan C. Polack
Mr. Gene H. Potter
Mr. Bruce Press
Mrs. Kathleen M. Ragan
Dr. Gloria D. Reading
Mrs. Mary K. Reed
Dr. John A. Regnell & Dr. Barbara C. Regnell
Mr. Michael D. Reinhardt & Mrs. Cynthia S. Reinhardt
Mrs. Julie M. Reitinger
Dr. William A. Retzlaff & Ms. Dawn C. Munsey
Mr. Dale Richards
Ms. Elizabeth Riedemann
Dr. Susan E. Rieken
Mrs. Stacy L. Robben
Mr. Korey Lynn Rush
Mrs. Laura E. Sammons & Mr. Garry A. Sammons
Mr. Robert D. Samples & Mrs. Kelly Samples
Ms. Barbara A. Sams
Mr. Matthew A. Samsel & Mrs. Heather L. Samsel
Mr. Carl R. Sanders & Mrs. Mary E. Sanders
Mrs. Ladonna R. Sanson
Mrs. Diane O. Schaefer & Dr. Ronald P. Schaefer
Dr. Joseph A. Schallert
Mrs. Caroline J. Schmidt & Mr. Richard Rogier
Mr. Glenn D. Schubert
Dr. Gregory P. Schubert
Mrs. Dianne V. Seabaugh & Mr. Ron Seabaugh
Mrs. Cindy C. Vaughn Sellers
Mr. Mark S. Shashek
Mrs. Kerry J. Shaul
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Dr. Jerome L. Shen
Mr. Charles L. Sheppard & Mrs. Joan L. Sheppard
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Sherwood
Mrs. Maureen Shortal
Mr. James Q. Sidwell, Jr.
Mr. Anthony B. Sieben & Mrs. Regina C. Sieben
Sigma-Aldrich Corporation
Mrs. Nancy J. Sill & Mr. David J. Sill
Mrs. Patricia Sim
Ms. Julia K. Simms
Mr. Jackson Simpson & Mrs. Sara Simpson
SIUE Alumni Association
Dr. Mikels Skele & Dr. Margaret Ann Simons
Mr. T. Michael Smithson & Mrs. Marian G. Smithson
Ms. Diane Lynn Sol
Mr. Bart J. Solon & Mrs. Margaret M. Solon
Southeast C and I Electric Co, Inc.
Dr. Christy Spivey
Dr. Carl P. Springer
Dr. George S. Staples
State Farm Companies Foundation
Dr. David I. Steinberg
Mr. Mercial A. Stewart, III
Mrs. Brenda F. Stith
Ms. Candice M. Stoverink
Ms. Jennifer L. Strohl
Mr. Michael E. Suwe & Mrs. Michelle Suwe
Mr. C. Otis Sweezey
Ms. Audrey Tallant
Dr. Patricia A. Talley Tallant
Miss Teresa J. Tarwater
The Boeing Company
The Telegraph
Dr. Andrew J. Theising
Miss Rosemary E. Tomlovic
Mrs. Karen K. Trone
Ms. Otha L. Trotter
Dr. Kathleen J. Tunney
Dr. James E. Turner
Ms. Sarah T. Turner
Mr. John J. Twombly & Mrs. Sara L. Twombly
Dr. Vaughn Vandegrift & Mrs. Suzanne Vandegrift
Mr. Rodney D. Vaught & Mrs. Margaret A. Vaught
Mr. David Verch
Mr. Richard C. Vernon
Dr. William W. Vilhauer
Mr. Ronald F. Vivod
Dr. Eric S. von Hoven
Mr. Daniel J. Wachter
Mrs. Ann D. Wagner
Mrs. Shirley J. Waide
Mr. Richard L. Walker & Mrs. Melissa A. Walker
Miss Kathleen Wanstreet
Ms. Brittany Ward
Mr. Robert Ward
Mr. Christopher Watanabe
Ms. Ann M. Weeks
Mr. Mark B. Weinheimer & Mrs. Carla Weinheimer
Ms. Susan K. Wells
Mr. Prince A. Wells & Ms. Malaika Horne-Wells
Mr. Hugh A. Westbrooks & Mrs. Margaret E. Westbrooks
Dr. S. Belinda Carstens Wickham
Ms. Cindy F. Wile
Miss Margo E. Williams
Mrs. Diana Williams
Mrs. Linda J. Williamson
Dr. Cory Ann Willmott
Mrs. S. LaVernn Wilson & Mr. Rudolph G. Wilson
Mrs. Brenda K. Wilson
Mr. Dennis E. Winkle
Mrs. Dianne B. Winney & Mr. Ronald D. Winney
Ms. Gillian L. Woods
Dr. Susan E. Yager
Ms. Catherine Taylor Yank
Mr. Jeffrey U. York & Mrs. JoAnne M. York
Sajad Zalzala
Ms. Judith I. Zimmerman
Mr. Sam Znaimer
Mr. Brett A. Zwerdling

Contributors - December 2007 through April 2008

Mrs. Susan L. Abbott and Mr. Ross Abbott
Agilent Technologies
Mr. John R. Ahrens
Mr. Franklin L. Akers and Mrs. Joyce S. Akers
Mrs. Patricia J. Albert
Ms. Judy Albus
Mrs. Dana L. Larson Aleman and Mr. Arthur A. Aleman
Mr. Uldis Alks
Mr. James A. Allen and Mrs. Pattsey A. Allen
Mr. Bradley C. Allen
Mr. David S. Alspach
Alton Community Unit School District #11
Alton Gaming Company
Alton High School
Mr. Daniel Alyea and Mrs. Celeste Alyea
Mr. Terry K. Anderson and Mrs. Linda K. Anderson
Mr. Michael L. Anderson
Anderson Hospital and Mr. Keith Page
Mr. Grant Andree
Anheuser-Busch, Incorporated and Mr. Doug Muhleman
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.and Ms. Kathryn D. Hollingsworth
Mr. Dominic A. Antonacci
Mr. Frederick S. Appleby and Mrs. Frances F. Appleby
Mrs. Joyce S. Arment and Mr. Homer L. Arment
Art of the Matter - Mr. and Mrs. Mike Herold
Mrs. Roberta L. Ault and Dr. David Earl Ault
Mr. Denver R. Austin
Mr. Stephen E. Avedisian
Dr. Ralph W. Axtell
Mr. Mark K. Bacus
Miss Melissa A. Baker
Mrs. Sandra K. Baker
Mr. Gary K. Ballard and Mrs. Judith H. Ballard
Bank of America
Ms. Edith A. Banks
Mr. Gerald D. Barber and Mrs. Nancy Lou Barber
Mr. Dennis W. Bargetzi
Dr. Kelly Jo Barry
Mr. Paul Bartholomew
Mr. Richard S. Barton and Mrs. Rebecca R. Barton
Mrs. Lisa C. Basler
Mr. Bernard J. Bauer, Jr.
Mr. Charles W. Baur and Mrs. Donna Baur
Mrs. Donna M. Beaman
Mr. Edward Beggy
Ms. Catherine L. Behrens
Mr. William J. Belcher
Belleville News Democrat and Mr. Jay Tebbe
Mrs. Kathleen Bellovich and Mr. Larry Bellovich
Mr. Patrick D. Bell
Mr. Steven J. Bellovich and Mrs. Janet M. Bellovich
Bemis Chiropractic Center
Ms. Tricia K. Benker
Miss Jill A. Bennett
Dr. Carl E. Bentelspacher
Ms. Judy Bentley
Mr. William S. Bertrand
Ms. Tammy L. Bess and Mr. Thomas U. Voss
Dr. Craig Alan Beyer and Mrs. Nancy M. Beyer
Mr. Mark A. Beyrau
Mr. Scott L. Betzelberger and Mrs. Sharon M. Betzelberger
Mr. Shaun Bharrat
Mr. Daniel C. Bingaman
Dr. John D. Bishop and Mrs. Veera M. Bishop
Mr. Phillip M. Black
Mr. Mark Blaine
Mr. Jerry W. Blair, Jr. and Mrs. Cherry S. Blair
Mrs. Margaret L. Blistain and Mr. George Blistain
Mr. Robert Blum
The Boeing Company
Ms. Carol A. Bogosian and Mr. Lorrin L. Wagner, II
Ms. Mary-Glynn Boies and Mr. John H. Boies
Mr. Will S. Bolden, Jr.
Mr. Lee W. Bollinger and Mrs. Della Bollinger
Mrs. Vicki L. Bone
Ms. Mary K. Bonness
Mr. Robert L. Boucher
Ms. Kathy L. Bowman
Mr. Steven R. Bowser
Dr. Roger E. Boyd
Mr. John G. Bradford
Mr. Brad D. Brammeier
Mr. Robert H. Branom
Mrs. Linda J. Branz and Col. Thomas L. Branz
Mr. Stanley H. Bratzke
Mr. Stanley H. Bratzke
Mrs. Annice M. Brave
Mr. Thomas A. Brengle
Dr. James F. Bresnahan DVM and Mrs. Janice R. Bresnahan
Ms. Lucy Bridges
Mr. John W. Briggs and Mrs. Jane Shaw Briggs
Mr. Neal G. Brockmiller
Mr. Phillip M. Brown
Mrs. Patricia M. Brown and Mr. Dennis W. Brown
Dr. Venessa Ann Brown
Mrs. Bernice Brown
Mr. Phillip M. Brown
Mrs. Julia C. Brown and Mr. Michael Brown
Mrs. Bernice Brown
Mr. Benjamin R. Brown
Dr. Venessa Ann Brown
Mr. Dennis R. Browne
Mrs. Gayla J. Bruning and Mr. Greg Bruning
Ms. Cheryl L. Brunsmann
Mr. Chuck Bryant
Miss Amanda S. Bryden
Mr. Thomas L. Buckles and Mrs. Marcy Buckles
Ms. Susan J. Buckley
Dr. Mark C. Bugnitz
Dr. Peter Bukalski and Mrs. Anne Bukalski
Ms. Barbara J. Bunse
Mr. Michael A. Burke
Mr. Michael A. Burke
Mrs. Karen L. Burke
Mr. William E. Burns and Mrs. Miriam Burns
Mrs. Elaine M. Burns
Mrs. Susan K. Burrier
Mrs. Gena F. Burroughs
Mr. Peter T. Caires
Ms. Ruth L. Calcaterra
Mr. David Caldwell
Call For Help, Inc.
Dr. James D. Campbell and Mrs. Anne R. Campbell
Mr. Terry C. Campbell and Mrs. Marsha Campbell
Mr. Jeffrey R. Campbell
Mr. Randall C. Campbell
Mrs. Cathleen M. Carey
Mr. Sean Cassity
Mr. Michael J. Cassin and Mrs. Linda L. Cassin
Paula L. Caveny
Mr. Ken Chackes and Mrs. Carole Chackes
Mr. Hector M. Chacon and Mrs. Patricia A. Foster
Mr. Yuchen Chang
Mr. Lawrence C. Charpiot
Ms. Elizabeth C. Chastain
Mr. Joseph W. Childress
Mr. Michael Chontofalsky
Cindy Smith Company, Inc.
Mrs. Lisa R. Clay
Mrs. Kristine A. Cleland
Ms Victoria Rusteberg Clements
Dr. Darryl Ashly Coan
Mrs. Margaret A. Cochran
Dr. Teresa Ann Cochran-Alvarez
Dr. Gail H. Coffler
Mr. Marvin G. Cohen and Mrs. Sharon Cohen
Mr. Daten B. Cohen
Ms. Stacey L. Coker
Mr. Jeffrey Collins
Commerce Bank, N.A.
Mr. Douglas S. Conley
Miss Charlene Conley
Mr. Douglas S. Conley
Mr. Randall H. Converse
Mr. Matthew J. Cooper and Dr. Ivy A. Cooper
Ms. Margaret Corrigan
Ms. Katherine J. Costello
Mr. Charles W. Courtney, Jr. and Mrs. Vickie L. Courtney
Miss Alesia M. Cozart
Mrs. Sandy E. Crawford
Mr. Richard T. Crnkovich
Mr. Thomas J. Crouch
Mr. Robert C. Cuca
Mr. Jerry I. Cuddy
Ms. Cathy A. Cullen
Mr. Stephen P. Cuppett
Curtain's Up Theater Company
Dr. Steven C. Curtis and Mrs. Janet L. Curtis
Mr. Jon W. Daggett and Mrs. Linda Sue Daggett
Mr. John W. Dailey
Mrs. Helen Gruber Damon
Mrs. Helen Gruber Damon
Dr. John R. Danley and Mrs. Margaret L. Danley
Ms. Peggy J. Davenport
Mr. James L. Davis and Dr. Jennifer S. Davis
Ms. Charity L. Davis-Woodard and Mr. Robert Woodard
Mrs. Linda M. Dawkins
Mrs. Jil A. Daw
Mrs. Rosette G. Dawson
Mrs. Beverly de la Bretonne
Mr. Richard E. Delmore
Mrs. Linda S. Dennis
Mr. Scott F. Denniston
Mr. Patrick C. Densmore and Mrs. Amanda Densmore
Mr. Timothy H. Depp
Mrs. Karen H. Deringer
Mrs. Jennifer M. Derner
Dr. David Lee DeWeese and Mrs. Jerion DeWeese
Mrs. Ginger L. DeWeese
Mrs. Ann S. Dieye
Mr. William N. Digby
Dr. P. Ann Dirks-Linhorst
Mr. Paul A. Doerr
Mr. David Dolan
Ms. Kimberly J. Donermeyer
Ms. Paula A. Dotson and Mr. Donald W. Dotson
Miss Barbara A. Dougherty
Mrs. Diana C. Douglas
Dr. Douglas D. Douthit
Mr. Roscoe D. Dowell and Mrs. Priscilla Dowell
Mr. Richard Dremuk and Mrs. Patricia A. Dremuk
Mr. Jeffrey Drew
Mr. Timothy R. Krumm
Dr. Bryan C. Duckham and Dr. Janet Duckham
Mr. Thad A. Duhigg
Ms. Carol Dunahee
Mr. Darren Dunahee
Mr. John A. Durant
Ms. Kimberly Hope Durr
Miss Faye M. Dyer
Mr. Darrell R. Eden
Wayne Edwards Farms
Dr. Anita K. Eftimoff
Mrs. Susan O. Egan
Mr. James A. Eggert
Dr. Bryon K. Ehlmann and Mrs. Barbara K. Ehlmann
Dr. James E. Eilers and Dr. Virginia Bryan
Pastor Wiley Adair Ellen and Mrs. Dorothy A. Ellen
Mrs. Cathy A. Eller
Akos Elody
Mr. John H. Emerson
Dr. Narbeth R. Emmanuel and Mrs. Ann M. Emmanuel
Ms. Patricia I. Emmerich
Ms. Nordeka English
Mr. Dennis R. Epplin
Mr. Donald A. Eros
Eugene H. Lee M.D. & Associates, P.A.
Mr. Jason Evans
Mr. Jerry D. Fagan and Mrs. Catherine A. Fagan
Family Life Consultants - Mrs. Sandra Becker Warden
Family Physician of Madison County - Dr.K. Max Eakin
Ms. Laura A. Farkas
Mr. Terrence K. Farley
Mr. Eugene M. Fedor and Mrs. Betty Fedor
Mrs. Ardella L. Fenner
Dr. Paul W. Ferguson and Mrs.Grace Ferguson
Mrs. Sally S. Ferguson and Judge Edward Ferguson
Ms. Mary Theresa Fiedler
Mrs. Della R. Field
Mrs. Lynnette M. Fields and Mr. Terry G. Fields
Mrs. Carolyn S. Finch and Mr. James A Finch
Mr. Donald W. Finley and Mrs. Mary D. Finley
Mrs. Carla C. Finkes
Mr. Maloy E. Flinn
Mr. Michael T. Flahive and Mrs. Anne E. Flahive
Mr. Gary L. Fletcher and Mrs. Susan A. Fletcher
Mr. Robert G. Flynn and Mrs. Barbara E. Flynn
Mr. Michael A. Foley and Mrs. Susan J. Foley
Ms. Sonja Collins Fordson
Mrs. Bethany A. Forsythe and Mr. Colin Forsythe
Ms. Susan K. Foster
Mrs. Martha L. Fowler
Mr. William S. Fowler
Mrs. Joyce E. Frederick
Mrs. Patricia K. Freuler and Mr. David Freuler
Kelli D. Frey
Mr. Michael S. Fries
Ms. Susan R. Friesen
Miss Susanne M. Fritsch
Mr. Gary M. Fulton and Mrs. Donna M. Fulton
Mrs. Phyllis A. Gaffney
Mr. Peter Gallagher
Mr. Robert B. Gardner
Mr. Anthony M. Garey
Ms. Agnes L. Garino
Gary L. Hall Revocable Trust
Gateway Foundation - Ms. Christy B. Fox
Mr. Kenneth H. Gattung and Mrs. Connie D. Gattung
Mrs. Laverne F. Geloff
Mr. Edward J. Geppert, Jr. And Mrs. Martha M. Geppert
Mr. Walter Geppert
German American Society of St. Louis - Mr. Lansing Hecker
Mr. Morey D. Gers
Miss Geraldine Gibala
Ms. B. Marie Gibbons
Mrs. Mary T. Gibson
Mr. David S. Gierada and Mrs. Lorie M. Gierada
Colonel Charles L. Gilbert, Ret.
Dr. William Scott Gilmore and Mrs. Petra Erdmann Gilmore
Mr. Frank G. Giorgini
Dr. Ronald J. Glossop
Mr. Stuart J. Glover
Mr. Leonard M. Gnojewski and Mrs. Carol Gnojewski
E. M. Goebl-Parker
Mrs. Patricia Ann Goehe
Mrs. Nancy A. Goetten
Mr. Robert S. Goldsmith
Miss Kathleen M. Gomez
Mr. Timothy B. Grace and Mrs. Jo Ellen Grace
Mrs. Lori A. Grafelman-Deffenderfer
Ms. Emily B. Gray
Mr. Charles A. Green
Ms. Carmine M. Greene
Mr. David E. Gruenenfelder
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Mr. Richard C. Guarienti
Mr. Samuel R. Guarino and Mrs. Debra A. Guarino
Mr. Anthony K. Gundlach
Mr. Melvin C. Gunter
Mr. Thomas L. Gusewelle and Mrs. Susan A. Gusewelle
Miss Joan L. Gusewelle
Mr. William L. Gushleff and Mrs. JoAnn K. Gushleff
Ms. Sharon L. Haar
Ms. Sandra V. Haas and Mr. Paul Kersens
Mr. David P. Hackmann
Ms. Deberah Haferkamp
Mrs. Suzanne K. Hagan and Mr. Joseph C. Hagan
Mr. Rick C. Haldi and Mrs. Gail A. Haldi
Mrs. Carolyn P. Hale and Mr. John A. Hale
Mrs. Johnetta Haley
Ms. Kristi Ann Halfond
Mr. Stephen C. Hall
Mr. Walter L. Hall, Jr.
Miss Norma R. Hamelmann
Mrs. Kellene M. Hamilton
Ms. Kala Hammond
Mr. Phillip J. Hampton
Mr. William E. Hanke and Mrs. Kathaleen D. Hanke
Mrs. Julia Y. Hansen and Dr. Stephen L. Hansen
Col. James M. Hanson
Ms. Deborah K. Hard
Mrs. Rita A. Hardy
Mr. Thomas W. Harnetiaux and Mrs. Melinda Harnetiaux
Mr. Joseph J. Harper
Mr. George D. Harris
Mr. Paul L. Harris
Miss Patricia A. Harrison
Mr. Ron Harris
Mrs. Martha L. Harris
Miss Patricia A. Harrison
Mrs. Donna M. Hart and Mr. David S. Hart
Mr. Frederick J. Harth
Mrs. Jane A. Hartman
Mrs. Jessica A. Hasemann
Mrs. Susan L. Hatfield
Mr. Lucas Hauck
Mrs. Corinne Hawkins
Mrs. Beverly S. Hawkins
Ms. Lisa Hayden
Mrs. Regina Mary Hays and Mr. James Hays
H B Penturf Interiors - Mr. Hugh Bradley Penturf
Mrs. Jerri L. Headrick and Mr. Norman A. Headrick
Mrs. Kathleen B. Scheumbauer Heagney
Ms. Cheryl L. Heepke
Mr. M. John Hefner, Jr.and Mrs. Bonita M. Hefner
Mr. Kenneth R. Neher
Mrs. Lynn E. Heidinger-Brown
Mr. Martin P. Heires
Mrs. Linda S. Hellenga and Mr. Kim L. Hellenga
Miss Jill R. Helmle
Mr. Warren P. Hemann and Mrs. Jame A. Hemann
Dr. George A. Henderson and Mrs. Patricia A. Henderson
Judge David R. Herndon
Mr. William Hettenhausen
Mrs. Sherrie R. Barnes Hickman and Mr. Marc R. Hickman
Mr. Thomas D. Higgins
Mr. Michael D. Higgins
Miss Jane E. Higgins
Mrs. Alene Dieu Hill and Mr. Dennis C. Hill
Mrs. Karin M. Hill
Dr. James M. Hinson
Mr. Joseph Ethan Hinton
Mr. Charles S. Hodges
Mr. Theodore F. Hoef and Mrs. Gail L. Hoef
Mr. Kevin P. Hofeditz and Mrs. Patricia H. Hofeditz
Mr. Danny F. Holder
Mr. Dan Holmes
Mrs. Joy L. Honegger
Miss Donna L. Honnoll
Ms. Enid P. Hood
Mr. James Hooks
Mrs. Brenda K. Horst
Mrs. Gertraud A. Howald and Mr. Sherwood Howald
Mr. Enrique E. Howell
Mr. Wei Song Howng and Mrs. Suh Mei Howng
Mrs. Joan A. Hoy
Hoyleton Youth & Family Services
Mr. Qingnian Huang
Mr. Homer F. Hubbard
Mrs. Marilyn J. Huber
Mr. David E. Huck
Mr. Gregory J. Huebner
Mr. Robert P. Huebner
Mr. Roger F. Hulting
Miss Carolyn W. Humble
Mr. Cletis O. Hunt
Mr. Walter M. Hunter and Mrs. Barbara A. Hunter
Mr. Robert J. Husby and Mrs.Cheryl J. Husby
Ms. Charlotte Huxtable
Mr. Bert W. Hyde
Illinois SW Orthopedics, Ltd.- Dr. Craig Byer
Ms. Charlotte A. Isaak
Mrs. Geraldine Jackson
Mrs. Raymonde H. Jackson
Miss Marita A. Jason
Ms. Marguerite Jason
Mr. Anthony Jenkins
Mr. Don Jennings
Ms. Marla M. Jentsch and Mr. Jentsch
Mrs. Stella Johnson
Ms. Charlotte L. Johnson
Mrs. Lorine Johnson
Mrs. Mabel R. Johnson
Mrs. Marianne Johnson
Mr. John D. Johnson, III and Mrs. Gail E. Johnson
Mr. Bruce R. Johnson
Mr. Daniel O. Jones and Mrs. Geraldine Jones
Mrs. Cynthia D. Hahn Jones
Mr. Ron Jones
Mrs. Dolores M. Jorns
Mr. Michael R. Joyce and Mrs. Sandra Joyce
Mrs. Daisy Langston Juarez and Mr. Victor A. Juarez
Mr. Raymond A. Kandler
Mr. James B. Kane and Mrs. Jane A. Kane
Mr. Mitchell A. Kaplan
Mr. Thomas M. Keevin
Mr. Joseph R. Keller
Mrs. Norma E. Kelsey and Mr. Morris I. Kelsey
Mr. John J. Kendrick, Jr.
Mrs. Amber G. Kennedy and Mr. David M. Kennedy
Miss Winnie M. Kenney
Mr. James R. Kerfoot and Mrs. Lynne M. Kerfoot
Mrs. Donna C. Parker Kernich
Dr. Ruth Slenczynska Kerr
Hillel J. Kieval
Mr. Charles R. Kindermann
Mr. James Kirchoff and Mrs. Carol J. Kirchoff
Mr. Michael L. Kish and Mrs. Jeanne M. Kish
Mr. Earl T. Kivett and Mrs. Vickye J. Kiviett
Mr. Donald B. Klingsick
Mr. Michael R. Klinkhamer and Mrs. Marsha K. Klinkhamer
Mr. John J. Klobnak and Mrs. Valerie A. Klobnak
Ms. Patricia Gussie Klorer
Mr. Daniel E. Klutho
Mr. Eric B. Kmiec and Mrs. Jennifer L. Kmiec
Miss Stephanie M. Knebel
Mr. Michael A. Knobeloch
Mrs. Linda S. Knogl
Mr. Victor L. Koch and Mrs. Carolyn M. Koch
Mr. Rodney C. Koch Mrs. Christine A. Koch
Mrs. Leah M. Koehne
Ms. H. Francis Kohler
Dr. John Korak, III and Mrs. Jennifer Korak
Ms. Katherine Kornfeld
Mr. Robert A. Kosta
Mr. George Kovitch and Ms. Vicki A. Bruan
Mrs. Andrea B. Kowalski
Mrs. Jane F. Kozielek
Mr. Barry R. Krizan and Mrs. Margaret R. Krizan
Dr. Kenneth E. Kunkel
Mr. Steven K. Kurtz
Dr. Larry L. Lafond
Mr. Joseph A. Laforest and Mrs. Virginia M. Laforest
Ms. Patricia L. Lally
Mr. Roger E. Lamadrid
Rev. Joseph P. La Mar
Mrs. Diane Giacoletto Lambert
Dr. Fred A. Lampe and Dr. Maion M. Lampe
Carol Vandiver Lark
Mr. Bruce W. Latimer and Mrs. Teresa M. Latimer
Mr. James A. Laughlin
Mr. Mark J. Laury and Mrs. Julie A. Laury
Ms. Shonda Lawrence
Mrs. Jacqueline S. Leferink
Mr. Floyd B. Leffew
Mrs. Rita E. Leitensdorfer
Mr. Tony R. Lemansky, Jr.
Mr. Edward Chay Lemoine
Mr. Stephen J. Lengyel, Jr.
Mr. Dale A. Leonatti
Mr. Thomas V. Lerczak
Ms. Jaclynn M. Lett
Mr. Howard G. Lewis
Mr. Robert J. Liebl and Mrs.Faith L. Liebl
Mr. Dean L. Lingenfelter and Mrs. Elizabeth Lingenfelter
Ms. Patricia McCauley Lockwood
Mr. Larry W. Lolley and Mrs. Cynthia A. Lolley
Miss Michelle K. Long
Dr. Thomas James Longos and Dr. Catherine E. Evans Longos
Mr. Robert M. Loomis
Mr. George Loudder
Col. Philip E. Louden
Mr. Jeffery James Luner and Mrs. Anne K. Luner
Mrs. Linda S. Lutz
Mrs. Linda A. Lynch and Mr. George W. Lynch
Mrs. Sandra J. Mac William
Mr. Raymond A. Magrow
Mrs. Brenda B. Maiman
Mrs. Kathleen Makarewicz
Mrs. Catherine L. Hines Malear
Dr. Henry Malench and Mrs. Shirley Malench
Mr. Ronald F. Malone and Mrs. Lauralee Malone
Mr. Bruce A. Malone and Mrs. Paula K. Malone
Ms. Cristy Maltese
Mrs. Katherine B. Mansouri
Mr. Anthony Marchetto
Mr. Ronald O. Marr
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Mrs. Lynn M. Marshall
Mrs. Marilyn R. Pomeroy Marsho and Mr. Stephen C. Marsho
Mr. Kevin W. Martin
Mrs. Amy Siebert Martin
Mr. Kevin W. Martin
Mr. Bennie F. Martin
Mrs. Tricia B. Marton
Mary Deane Huntley Trust
MasterCard International, Inc.
Mrs. Janet M. Matoesian
Mrs. Janna L. Maul
Mr. William Maurer and Dr. Marcia C. Maurer
Ms. Karen S. Maxville
Dr. Tansie J. Mayer
Mr. David A. Mayo, Sr.
Mr. Ronald O. Mazander
Mrs. Jerra L. Mazzolini
Mr. Tom Mc Carthy
Mr. Joseph Mc Carthy, Jr.
Mrs. Cynthia A. Mc Cormick
Mrs. Mary Beth Mc Givern and Mr. Gerry McGivern
Mr. James V. Mc Kay and Mrs. Cheryl McKay
Mrs. Jean W. Mc Kelvey
Mrs. Jean A. McMullen
Mr. Richard Mc Namara and Mrs. Suzanne McNamara
Mr. Brian C. McNamara
Mr. Colin C. McRae
Mr. Charles A. Mecum and Ms. Deborah A. Bozsa
Ms. Daizy Rice Meehan
Rev. Delmar L. Meester and Mrs. Lina B. Meester
Mr. Paul J. Meginnis, II
Mr. Gerald D. Melm and Mrs. Bobbi L. Melm
Mrs. Terry E. Menz
Mr. Jordan T. Meyer
Mr. Joe A. Michalski
Mr. Stanton Michels
Mrs. Susan B. Mikula
Mr. Terrance L. Miller and Mrs. Janette E. Miller
Mr. Martin H. Moeckli
Mrs. Jeannine E. Moeller
Dr. Albert R. Montanaro, Jr.
Mr. Dennis R. Moore
Mr. Randall J. Moore and Mrs. Denise D. Moore
Mrs. Lois L. Moorman
Mrs. Amy L. Morgan and Mr. Michael J. MOrgan
Dr. Susan M. Morgan
Mrs. Kristine J. Morice
Miss Annette S. Morris
Mr. Mark R. Morris
Mr. Walter H. Morris and Mrs. Lois Morris
Mrs. Cleone L. Morris
Mr. John M. Mosbacher
Mr. Thomas E. Moseley
Mr. Joseph F. Mueller
Mr. David J. Mueth
Ms. Bethany Mulholland
Mr. Rajat P. Mundkur
Ms. Eunice Jeanne Murphey and Mr. Barry T. Murphey
Dr. Patrick D. Murphy and Mrs. Karla Murphy
Mr. Charles A. Musser, Jr.
Mrs. Julie Gass Myers
Mr. Kevin M. Myers
Mr. Pancharat S. Nair
Mr. Edward J. Nalefski
Mr. Peter G. Nasir
Mrs. Mary Stephanie Naunheim
Dr. Kent Neely and Mrs. Esther Neely
Mr. Kenneth R. Neher
Ms. Constance M. Nelson
Mrs. Suzanne Nevins
Mrs. Charlotte Ann Newbold
Mrs. Darlene A. Niebruegge
Mr. Todd H. Niemann
Mr. Glen A. Noeltner
Dr. Richard D. Norman and Mrs. Joan M. Norman
Dr. Eric J. Norman
Mr. V. David Novak
Ms. Eileen A. Nowak
Ms. Barbara Jean Nwacha
Mr. Leslie C. Oakes
Oasis Women's Center
Ms. Margaret M. Oberlag
Dr. Gerald V. O'Brien and Mrs. Jean McGurk O'Brien
Ms. Toni Louise Oplt and Mr. Donal Oplt
Organization of Chinese Americans
Mr. Joseph Ostermeier and Mrs. Jean E. Ostemeier
Miss Nicole A. Ottwell
Outer Radius, LLC - Mr. Mark A. Egmon
Mrs. Michelle L. Pagone
Mr. Salvatore Paolucci and Mrs. Carol Paolucci
Ms. Cynthia L. Pardy
Mr. Damon C. Parker
Ms. Mary W. Parker and Mr. Larry J. Leiper
Mr. James R. Partridge and Mrs. Anne E. Patridge
Mr. Samuel P. Pastrovich, III
Mrs. Mary Jo Peck
Mr. David Lowell Peek
Mr. Randall G. Pembrook
Mr. Norris L. Perkins, III
Mr. John L. Perrone and Mrs. Linda A. Perrone
Ms. Cynthia M. Peterson
Mrs. A. Marie Phillips
Dr. Julie A. Pietroburgo and Mr. Robert A. Pietroburgo
Mrs. Angela R. Pifer
Mrs. Kay Pineda
Mr. Edward T. Pinnell, Jr. and Mrs. Marcy B. Pinnell
Ms. Debra J. Pitts
Ms. Mary L. Plocher
Mrs. Debra E. Pohlman and Mr. Mark Pohlman
Mrs. Nancy B. Pohrer
Mrs. Francine V. Polich-Burns and Keith Burns
Mr. Richard E. Popovich
Mr. Floyd L. Porter
Mr. Alonzo T. Potts
Mrs. Gail D. Powers
Mr. Paul A. Prange
Mrs. Margaret M. Pride
Mr. Daniel E. Proctor and Mrs. Vonna M. Proctor
Mr. J. Stephen Purkaple
Ms. Gail L. Purkey
Mrs. Deborah L. Purviance
Dr. Timothy J. Quain
Miss Vivian V. Raffaelle
Mrs. Shirley J. Rakers
Mrs. Shirley J. Rakers
Ms. Deborah A. Ramsey
Mr. Paul Raper
Miss Beth A. Rapoff
Mr. David A. Rapp
Mr. Charles W. Rathert and Mrs. Debra S. Rathert
Mrs. Joyce M. Ray
Mr. Gary W. Ray and Mrs. Sharon K. Ray
Mr. Robert K. Raymond
Mr. Thomas H. Reese and Mrs. Nancy E. Reese
Ms. Julie S. Reiner and Dr. John R. Reiner
Mr. Michael D. Reinhardt and Mrs. Cynthia S. Reinhardt
Mrs. Julie M. Reitinger
Mrs. Maureen Shortal Rench
Mr. Bradley E. Reno
Dr. William A. Retzlaff and Ms. Dawn C. Munsey
Dr. Stella Revard
Mrs. Robin K. Rhine
Mr. Joseph W. Richardson and Mrs. Kelly J. Richardson
Mr. James D. Ridder
Dr. John Russell Rider
Mrs. Martha L. Rifner
Mr. James J. Riley
Mrs. Virginia A. Risdon
Mr. Kenneth G. Rivett
Mrs. Stacy L. Robben
Robert Sager Family Foundation
Miss Patsy G. Roberts
Mr. Tony Roberts
Mr. Steven G. Rockholm
Capt. Warren O. Rogers, Jr.
Mr. Clinton H. Rogier and Mrs. Anna Lee Rogier
Mr. Kevin D. Romine and Mrs. Laura A. Romine
Mr. John G. Ross and Mrs. Joan L. Ross
Mr. William A. Ross and Mrs. Kay L. Ross
Mrs. Teresa N. Rothschild
Mr. David W. Rudy and Mrs. Kathleen A. Rudy
Dr. Mark W. Russo
Mr. Michael C. Ruzich
Mr. Jeffery S. Ryckaert
Mrs. Sandi Y. Rynerson
Ms. Traci L. Sachteleben
Ms. Jennifer A. Sage
Mr. Arnold Sampson
Ms. Barbara A. Sams
Mr. Alan D. Sanner
Mrs. Amy Jo Sawyer
Mr. Cecil F. Scalf
Mr. Wietse Schaafsma and Mrs. Melanie C. Schaafsma
Miss Lois M. Schaedler
Mr. Thomas E. Schamberger
Mrs. Suzanne M. Scharf
Mrs. Christine M. Scheffel and Mr. Michael Scheffel
Mrs. Judith A. Schewe-Edler
Mr. Robert Schieber and Mrs. Marilyn W. Schieber
Eric J. Schlechte, D.M.D.
Mr. Andrew Schlei
Mrs. Caroline J. Schmidt and Mr. Richard Rogier
Ms. Jane E. Schneider
Mr. Scott A. Schneider
Mr. Randall G. Schneider
Mrs. M. Eileen Schuder
Mrs. Diane Renee Schuette and Mr. William M. Schuette
Mr. Kent D. Schuette
Mrs. Lori A. Schwahn
Mr. William J. Schwalb and Mrs. Sandra K. Schwalg
Mr. John H. Schwarz
Mrs. Jill A. Schwear
Mr. Steven D. Scobbie
Mrs. Ruby Scott
Ms. Ruth Ann Scott
Mr. Lawrence Sedlacek
Mr. Larry D. Seibold and Mrs. Carol L. Seibold
Mr. Norman Semchyshen
Mr. Richard T. Shamrell
Miss Mayura J. Sharma
Ms. Monica L. Sharp
Mrs. Ruth M. Shaw
Dr. George B. Shea, Jr.
Mr. Jack O. Shelton and Mrs. Bonnie W. Shelton
Dr. Jerome L. Shen
Mr. Nicholas S. Sheppard and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Sheppard
Mr. Keith M. Sherman and Mrs. Crol E. Sherman
Mrs. Catherine Shiner
Mrs. Xinxin G. Zhu and Dr. Keqin Gu
Mr. Robert L. Shuttleworth
Mr. Roger B. Siebe and Mrs. Mary Jane Siebe
Mr. Larry G. Siebenberger and Mrs. Karen Siebenberger
Mr. James J. Siemianowski and Mrs. Paula A. Siemianowski
Ms. Diana L. Sievers
Mrs. Nancy J. Sill and Mr. David J. Sill
Mrs. Katherine A. Simones
Mr. Jackson Simpson and Mrs. Sara Simpson
Dr. Mikels Skele and Dr. Margaret Ann Simons
Mr. Rodney A. Skinner and Mrs. Ingrid Skinner
Mr. George A. Smerigan
Mrs. Laura E. Simunich
Mr. B. Winford Smith
Mrs. Judith A. Smith
Ms. Cornelia A. Smith
Mrs. Terri R. Smith and Mr. William M. Smith
Mr. Leo W. Smith, II
Ms. Frieda E. Smith
Mrs. Kathyrn K. Smith and Mr. William C. Smith
Mrs. Ruth Ann Snowden and Mr. Howard L. Snowden
Mr. Joseph J. Soer and Mrs. Leisa Soer
Ms. Diane Lynn Sol
Mr. Bart J. Solon and Mrs. Margaret M. Solon
Mr. Xiaonan Song
Mr. Melvin J. Spall and Mrs. Ann M. Spall
Dr. Edwin J. Spicka
SPS Surgical Service, Inc.
Mr. Christopher S. Srock and Mrs. Carolyn L. Srock
St. Clair County Bar Association
St. Louis Theatrical Brotherhood
St. Louis Jazz Club, Inc.
Miss Grace L. Stahlschmidt
Mr. Floyd M. Stamps and Mrs. Sandra L. Stamps
Mrs. Bette J. Stanley
Mrs. Kathleen T. Stanley
Ms. Debra A. Steele
Mr. Eric M. Stein
Dr. David I. Steinberg
Ms. Kristine Stephens
Mr. Gene H. Sternberg, Sr. and Mrs. Ruth Sternberg
Mr. Joseph G. Stevens and Ms. Linda Stevens
Mrs. Nancy S. Steward
Ms. Anne J. Stewart
Mr. Richard P. Stilwell
Mr. Charles E. Stine
Mr. Stephen M. Stohs
Mr. Clarence C. Stokes
Mr. Russell V. Stroot and Mrs. Ichele K. Stroot
Ms. Laura Strand
Student Social Work Association
Mr. Patrick W. Stufflebeam
Mrs. Margaret J. Swanson
Mr. C. Otis Sweezey
Mr. C. Otis Sweezey
Mrs. Dorothy M. Zwettler
Mrs. Kathy J. Swindle
Mrs. E. Janel Dyer
Ms. Audrey Tallant
Ms. Pearlie B. Taylor
Mr. Allen L. Taylor
Mrs. Donna M. Tebbe
Ltcol. Goebel R. Thacker
The Telegraph - Mr. James Shrader
Mr. Dale Thieme
Dr. Rance Thomas
Miss Bonita Thomas
Mrs. Helen A. Thompson
Thompson Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance
Mr. Daniel R. Thompson
Mr. Darryl L. Thompson and Mrs. Margaret M. Thompson
Mr. Terrence M. Thomure
Mr. Dan K. Thorpe and Mrs. Roi M. Thorpe
Mr. Gregory V. Thorwald
Dr. Mary A. T. Tillman
Mr. Thomas J. Tobias and Mrs. Kim M. Tobias
Mr. George A. Torres
Mrs. Hui S. Treasure
Dr. James W. Trent and Mrs. Sue Trent
Tri City Neurology Associates, LTD
Dr. Ronald G. Trimmer
Mrs. Karen K. Trone
Mr. Robert E. Tucker, II
Ms. Cathy L. Tudish
Dr. Kathleen J. Tunney
Ms. Sarah T. Turner
Mr. James E. Twichell
Mr. David H. Ulkus
Mr. Scott R. Underwood
US Trust Bank of America Private Wealth Mgmt.
Ms. Vivian W. VanDusen
Ms. Nichola R. Varvel
Mrs. Kay E. Veile and Mr. Steve Veile
Mr. George M. Veith and Mrs.Judith M. Veith
Mr. Jan C. Vest and Mrs Jane S. Vest
Virginia M. Long Charitable Foundation
Miss Janet R. Visintine
Mr. Dan Voss
Wagner Association of Metalsmiths
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Wall
Ms. Peggy C. Wallace
Mr. Thomas Walter
Mr. Edward Warden and Mrs. Sandra Warden
Dr. Corinna H. Warren and Mr. David K. Warren
Mrs. Donna M. Wasser
Mr. Lonnie D. Weaver
Ms. Traice A. Webb
Mr. Brian D. Webb
Mr. Mark S. Weber
Dr. Raymond K. Weber and Mrs. Lucia L. Weber
Mr. Mark Webster
Mrs. Marjorie Ann Weiss
Miss Bette J. Welch
Mr. Michael E. Welge
Dr. Gordon G. Weller and Mrs. Carla J. Weller
Mr. Louis L. Werner
Dr. Carol A. Wesley
Dr. Carol A. Wesley
Mrs. Marsha Woodress Westerberg
Mr. Jeffrey Western
Mr. Kimberly J. White and Mrs Patrice L. White
Mr. Michael Wiecek
Mr. Don M. Wiggins and Mrs. Diane L. Wiggins
Mr. Greg Wilde
Mr. Charles K. Wilkins, Jr.
Mr. George S. Williams, III
Mrs. Gloria J. Williams
Mr. Richard W. Williams
Mrs. Diana C. Williams
Mrs. Linda J. Williamson
Mrs. Gladys B. Williamson and Mr. James K. Williamson, Jr.
Dr. Cory Ann Willmott
Mr. Tim E. Wilson
Mr. Mark L. Wilson
Mrs. Dianne B. Winney and Mr. Ronald D. Winney
Mrs. Pamela J. Winslow
Ms. Jill Weber Winte
Mr. William R. Wittenborn and Mrs. Susan L. Wittenborn
Dr. Gertraude Wittig
Mrs. Joanne E. Woll
Ms. Gillian L. Woods
Mrs. Laura A. Worms
Ms. Mary E. Wright
Mr. Larry E. Wurl
Mr. Joseph M. Ybarra
Mr. Stuart D. Yoak
Mr. Larry Yogman
Mr. Jeffrey U. York and Mrs. JoAnne M. York
Ms. Anne M. Young
Dr. Barbara A. Zehnbauer and Mr. Timothy Buchman
Mr. Josef J. Zeman
Mr. Daniel J. Zika
Dr. Patrick S. Zimmermann and Mrs. Constance S. Zimmerman
Ms. Judith I. Zimmerman
Lt. Col. John D. Zuber and Mrs. Mary F. Zuber

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