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New Alumni Hall of Fame Program Introduced

CAS alumni have the opportunity to nominate candidates for the new University-wide SIUE Alumni Hall of Fame program. This is your chance to recognize an SIUE alumnus who has made a significant mark in his/her profession, community, the nation or the world.

SIUE has produced 80,000 graduates who have earned more than 90,000 degrees, 33% of which are College of Arts and Sciences graduates. Previously, the SIUE Alumni Association recognized a single outstanding alumnus, who served as the speaker for the August commencement ceremony. In an effort to better recognize the outstanding achievements of a growing number of SIUE alumni, a new University-wide Hall of Fame recognition program is being initiated for academic year 2008-2009. The program will broaden the recognition of outstanding alumni and allow all University academic units and their alumni to come together in October to celebrate the achievements of successful SIUE graduates. Induction into the Alumni Hall of Fame is the highest honor bestowed on an alumnus of SIUE.

Four distinguished alumni of the College of Arts and Sciences will be eligible for recognition, including one alumnus from the natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. The Dean's office will make the selections in the first year (2008) in collaboration with a member of the Alumni Association board. Next year, a selection committee comprised of the Assistant Development Director; Faculty representing arts, humanities, social sciences and physical sciences; and an alumni and a student representative will be appointed by the Dean. The recipient of the CAS Hall of Fame award must attend the induction ceremony that will be held during SIUE Homecoming Week in October. The selection committee may choose an alternate in the event that one of the selected alumni cannot attend. Exceptions may be considered in the case of illness, infirmity, etc.

CAS Hall of Fame awardee names will be inscribed on a plaque that will be prominently displayed in the Peck Building. Hall of Fame recipients will also be recognized in the Arts & Sciences Today newsletter , online on the CAS webpage, on the Alumni Association webpage and E-Connection publication.

Nomination Process

Individuals or groups may nominate a CAS alumnus. Nominations not selected shall be considered each year for a period of up to five (5) years. Hall of Fame recipients may also be inducted posthumously. Nominations may be mailed, faxed or emailed to the College and must include one (1) letter of support and the completed nomination form, based on the following criteria, and submitted not later than 4:30 p.m. on July 25, 2008:

1) SIUE undergraduate or graduate degree;

2) Positive impact by the honoree in his/her chosen field of study;

3) Awards or recognitions the honoree has received;

4) Community involvement and activities;

5) SIUE involvement following graduation.



For questions, please contact Grant Andree,
Assistant Development Director, at (618) 650-2626 or
Additional assistance can be obtained from the CAS Special Events Facilitator at (618) 650-5049.

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