Dr. Stacey Brown Amilian
Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, 2011
Professor and Chair - Medical geography, urban geography, human geography, Geographic Information Systems, quantitative methods
Alumni Hall 1401B
email: stabrow@siue.edu
Personal Website: https://sbrownamilian.wordpress.com
Selected Publications:
Brown-Amilian, S.R. (2022). Dollar Store Access in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, MO-IL, USA. Papers in Applied Geography, DOI: 10.1080/23754931.2022.2071128.
Brown-Amilian, S.R. and Akolade, Yussuf. (2021). Disparities in COPD Hospitalizations: A Spatial Analysis of Proximity to Toxics Release Inventory Facilities in Illinois. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (13128). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182413128.
Brown Amilian, S. R. (2020). Triple Threat Gateway? Respiratory Health, Demographics, and Land Use in the Metro East of St. Louis, MO-IL. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research 7(2), Article 3.
Brown Amilian, S. R. (2018). Cartography and the Computer: A Textbook Approach. The Illinois Geographer 60(1).
Brown, S. R., Stechnach, S. (2015). Emergency Department Usage in St. Clair County, Illinois. Papers in Applied Geography, 1(4), 356-364.
Brown, S. R., Comer, J. C., Wikle, T. A. (2015). The Locations of Temporary Shelters after Hurricane Katrina. In Graham Tobin and Burrell Montz (Ed.), Evolving Approaches to Understanding Natural Hazards (vol. 1, pp. Chapter 36). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Comer, J. C., Graham, A. K., Brown, S. R. (2013). Relating Transportation Quality Indicators to Economic Conditions in the South-Central U.S. In Mehdi Koshrow-Pour (Ed.), Geographic Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1864-1882). IGI Global.
Brown, S.R. and J.C. Comer. 2013. Food Deserts in the Southwest: A Case Study of Oklahoma City. The Southwestern Geographer, 16: 10-25.
Brown, S.R. 2013. The Price is Right? Food Availability and Affordability in Oklahoma City, OK, USA. Papers in Applied Geography, 36: 256-263.
Brown, S. R. 2012. Measuring Physician Accessibility in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences, 35, 163-172.