SIUE Chemistry Club
October 28, 2008
Sixth Meeting 2008-2009

Officers Present:
Dylan Downs, President
Lily Kyrouac, Vice President
Nicole Motl, Webmaster
A. Book/bake sale
a. Thanks to all those who helped and baked. We made over $300.
b. The sale was to raise money in order for the club to buy a tree for the SIUE gardens and name it chemis-tree.
Probably about 50% of the profit will go to this so our club can go "green".
B. Active Members
a. Dylan is currently working on updating active members. Unfortunately all of the
info is on Dylan's computer, which is not working. Therefore, it will be about a
week before the new active members can get the code to the room.
C. Tours
a. They are currently being set up by members.
b. Must sign a liability form if you plan on participating in tours, or any other event.

a. Community outreach program through our club.
b. The groups are currently formed, but we are still getting one more school for a group.
c. All of the other groups are being sent out to schools in the area.
d. Email Lily ( if you have any questions about this.

New Business
F. Probst Lecture
Chemistry Dept. and Chem Club make brochures.
b. We are looking for volunteers to help with this project.

a. It is at Dr. Shaw's and will start around 5:00. It will be on Halloween this year (October 31st).
b. You can wear costumes, but it is not required.
c. You can bring a dish (salad, dessert, etc)
d. There is a Halloween parade in Edwardsville, so you may need to find an alternate route to Dr. Shaw's
e. We need a volunteer to help bring 50lbs of ice around 3:00. Chemistry club would reimburse you for the

a. Friday, November 7th at 2:00pm.

H. Halloween party
a. Dylan received information about volunteer opportunities through the Salvation Army for the Christmas season.
b. We wanted to see if anyone was interested, and several people thought it looked like a good idea. So, we
requested more information.

Old Business
A. Salvation Army
B. Kimmel's Who's Who Among Students in American University and Colleges'
a. A scholarship available through Kimmel.
b. You can nominate yourself or others.
c. It's due by November 21st.
d. See Dylan if you would like an application, or they are also available in the Kimmel Office.

C. Next Meeting
Professors Present:
Dr. Shaw
a. Abstract was submitted.
b. Sherryl Jewell is planning on presenting the poster at the conference in the spring.
c. We are looking for volunteers to help with the poster. So far, Mariellen and Sherryl have volunteered to help.

a. See Dr. Wei if you are interested.
G. Brochure