Syllabus for Ensembles
Concert Choir  MUS 444
Community Choral Society  MUS 244

Dr. Joel Knapp


1. Singers will improve their individual voice

2. Singers will improve their sightreading skills

3. Singers will will learn to understand and appreciate the unitque and distinctive qualities in music from different historical periods

4. Singers will learn and perform works in their original language

5. Singers will learn to seek out and appreciate beauty

6. Singers will learn the value and benefits of teamwork


B.  Nature of Assignments and other Expectations:

1.     Students will attend all classes.  An absence not only affects you, it affects the entire ensemble.

The majority of your grade is based on attendance.  Being part of a team means being on time and prepared for each rehearsal. Although prior notification does not mean the absence is excused, No absence will be excused unless you have notified Dr. Knapp before the absence.  Multiple absences indicate a lack of interst in the ensemble and are grounds for failure.


a)     Students in Concert Choir will be allowed 2 absences  without penalty with advance notice.  Students in Choral Society will be allowed 1 absence  without penalty with advance notice.  Final semester grades will be lowered half a letter grade (5%) for each subsequen absence or each absence without advance notice.  Every three tardies will count as one absence.

b)    Absence from any concert will result in a grade of F for the semester. 

c)    Exceptions may be considered for extreme circumstances as determined by the Dr. Knapp

2. Students will exhibit traits that are fundamental for excellence.

a    Bring all music to every rehearsal
b.  Avoid actions and behavior that distract the ensemble
c.  Always have a pencil.
d.  Mark your music well.

3.Students will learn the music assigned.  They will be able to sing their part by themselves, and in a small ensemble


4. Student will wear the appropriate uniform to all performances.  Each singer is responsible for obtaining their own uniform. Men need a black tuxedo, white wing-tip shirt with black, wrap-around bow tie, black shoes and socks. Women need a black dress. At least tea-length, completely black (no sequins or colored ornamentation), elegant (not sensual or revealing), sleeves or sleeveless, black hose and black close-toed shoes. Final semester grades will be lowered by one letter grade if inappropriate outfits are worn

C.  Grading

Attendance................................................................. 60%

Traits of excellence.....................................................20%

Singing tests...............................................................10%

Uniform...................................................................... 10%


Please consult the calendar on the SIUE Choirs website for a complete schedule.www.siue.edu/MUSIC/CHOIR

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Published by: Dr. Joel knapp
Last update: July 30, 2012 by jknapp@siue.edu