Economic Justice

Get Active

Political Issues

Popular Culture

Pregnancy and Parenting


Feminism, Humanism and Social Justice

Get Active: SIUE

What's going on around campus?  Believe it or not, there are people here at SIUE interested in social change, just like you!   Where are they?  What are they doing?   The first thing you might want to do to educate yourself is notice the signs posted around campus by the various groups.  The signs often give you the dates and times of meeting. Further, The Kimmel Leadership Center, located in the UC, has a list of all the student groups available. Further, the center can give you names of adivsors and presidents.

You might also think about getting involved in the Women's Studies Program.
Finally, If you don't see a student organization that you are interested in, think about starting one yourself.  All you need is a faculty advisor and a few interested people!  SIUE could only gain from more progressive activism!  Contact Kimmel for more information on how to get started!
Amensty International
"Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights.

 Gay-Straight Alliance
This organization educates faculty and students about homophobia and heterosexism. 

S.T.O.P.    (Students and Teachers for Peace).
This is a group that started on campus in the Fall, 2002, to help us think more critically about the Iraq invasion.

Making Waves
This group focuses on providing support for men and women interested in ending gender/race oppression. 

Student Organization for Sustainability -- This organization is interested in making SIUE a sustainable campus.