Oral Presentation

The purpose of the oral presentation is to demonstrate your ability to verbally communicate your analysis in a concise and clear manner. To do so, I require that students develop a 10 minute power-point presentation. The power-point presentation should appear professional. This means you should check for misspellings and make sure there is not so much writing on each slide that your audience is distracted by words. You will be discussing the details of your paper orally to the class, thus, the slides should just be your guide

The more sloppy your presentation appears, the lower grade you will receive.

The tricky part of the oral presentation is being able to summarize your paper in 10 minutes. This is because you must be able to get through a description of five-six concepts and the recommendations in 10 minutes. If you spend too much time on describing the organization and do not make it through the entirety of your paper, you will not pass. I have had students who spent 8 minutes providing a background of their paper and only 2 minutes for analyzing and not time for recommendations for change. This student would not pass.

• Practice the presentation at home to make sure you get through the entire paper in 10 minutes.