Welcome to WENDY SHAW'S Homepage
Department of Geography
A quote often attributed to Albert Einstein (rumor has it that he probably didn't say it - but it sounds good!) "As a young man, my fondest dream was to become a geographer. However, while working in the customs office I thought deeply about the matter and concluded it was far too difficult a subject. With some reluctance I then turned to physics as a substitute."
I am a cultural/social geographer with teaching interests in human geography, cultural geography, urban geography, LDC development, the history and philosophy of geography, and introductory physical geography. Research My main research interest is: The geography of U.S. povertyWendy Shaw, Ph.D. Department of Geography Box 1459 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1459 Tel: (618) 650-2765
E-mail: Wendy Shaw WSHAW@SIUE.EDU
URL: http://www.siue.edu/~wshaw