(618) 692-2245 or 692-2230
MC 204 Visual Production for the Media
MEDIA by Meeske & Norris
MC 204 is designed to offer instruction and practice in the basic skills necessary for the writing and production of video programs and projects. Students will also get exposure in the comparison, evaluation, selection, and integration of program and production elements. The course also provides opportunities for experimentation and application of aesthetic and conceptual elements. The students will spend the first third of the course writing and researching various video projects as assigned; the last two-thirds of the semester will be concerned with producing the written projects.
Each student will submit a clean copy of all written assignments in a portfolio. The lecture and laboratory portions of the course will be supplemented by distributed reading material and by the viewing of films & video tapes.
GUIDELINES: This is a no cut course; likewise, tardiness will not be tolerated. Any absence or late arrival must be arranged beforehand with the instructor and the particular student producer/director for the affected project. Any unexcused absence will result in a grade of zero for that assignment.
All assignments and productions are due on the dates specified, unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Projects which do not meet deadlines will lose one grade letter for each day they are late. Students are expected to put forth their best efforts, both in their projects and those on which they are assisting. All written assignments are to be typed---no exceptions.
GRADING: The student's final grade will be largely determined by four factors: writing skills, competency at the assigned positions, improvement, and adherence to deadlines. The portfolio will be worth four grades.Most group projects will be assigned two grades: a production/performance grade and a script grade. Following each group assignment, the project director will submit a typed evaluation analyzing the production and each group member's contribution. Teamwork plays a paramount role in the group projects. The final project will receive SIX grades---three script & three production grades. IF A STUDENT BUTCHERS AN ASSIGNMENT INVOLVING HIS ENTIRE GROUP, HE/SHE IS SUBJECT TO A PINK SLIP, MEANING HE/SHE HAS FLUNKED THE COURSE.
In addition, students will take four take-home tests and five individual
exams (a stationary camera test, a moving camera test, an audio board test,
a video switcher test, and a video editor test). These individual exams
are a major component of the student's final grade. The instructor retains
the right to add up to 10 points to a student's final average, based on
attendance, extra assignments completed, dependability, & team contributions.
90 - 100 = A | 80 - 89 = B | 70 - 79 = C | 60 - 69 = D | 0 - 59 = E |
Week 1
Orientation; introduction Format explanations |
Week 9
Audio techniques & effects Audio board test |
Week 2
Writing process; take-home #1 TV ads & promos Rationale assignment |
Week 10
Graphics & technical directing Switcher test Take home #3 due Weathercast script & production |
Week 3
Treatment assignment; Camera test #1 Narration; Presentations |
Week 11
Remote camera techniques; interviewing; Remote lighting procedures Commercial script & production |
Week 4
Corporate writing; Camera test #2; Take-home #1 due Resume assignment |
Week 12
Remote story ideas & commercial scripts due Videotape editing demonstration Remote shooting assignment |
Week 5
Portfolio due; copyright info Take-home test #2; audio board test |
Week 13
Remote scripts & tapes due Musical production lecture |
Week 6
Intro to production; Basic studio procedures Lighting & camera techniques |
Week 14
Videotape editing test Newscast #4 Musical production assignment |
Week 7
Commercial techniques Commercial production |
Week 15
Job hunting lectures 30 minute newscast |
Week 8
Newscast production Camera test #2 |
This page was last updated on Friday, March 13, 1998.