The central idea of
our work is that each location on the earth has a history. That history
controls what plants and animals live at that location. We use pollen and
diatom microfossils from sediment accumulating in lakes and wetlands to
reconstruct this history.This
research into the history of lakes is called “paleolimnology”.Recently, advances in analytical
techniques have allowed paleolimnologists to ask questions about sources of
contamination to lakes.The
sedimentary record can be used to reconstruct long-term changes in pollution
levels caused by human activities.
Our lab is studying
lead (Pb) pollution in a local lake, HorseshoeLake.The site has received Pb from
anthropogenic sources since 1850 – soon after the development of the Pb
mines in SW Missouri by French colonial
miners.We have used the isotopic
composition of the Pb to determine sources to the lake sediment. We have now
begun to trace the Pb contamination through the biota of the lake.