Instructor: Dr. Paul Wanda
Classroom: SL 1105
Office: SL 3318
SL - (618)650-2336
URL (Web Page):
Office Hours : Any changes will be posted in the 'Weekly
Objectives'. Usual Office Hours will be : M & R at 9:00-9:50 am
or by appointment
Text: Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach
by Mulvihill, et al
Course Description:
Welcome to an intricate subject - Human Diseases. In this course, you will gain an understanding of the basis of many human diseases and details on several selected disease topics, most of which are in the news everyday or perhaps afflicting a relative , yourself or a close friend. Lecture material will explain the basis behind the diseases and their current status. Exam material will come from lectures ,the reading assisgnments,handouts, and films therefore your attendance and note taking will be essential for success in this course. 'Weekly Objectives' (available on the Web page), will include weekly lecture goals, any changes in the syllabus, announcements. A vocabulary list will be posted our our Web site link, "Vocabulary"or handed out in class . The reading assignment (particular pages in a chapter) will be detailed in the "Weekly Objectives".
Course Objectives:
One of the primary course objectives is for you, the student, to be able to comprehend future newspaper/magazine articles on human diseases (especially since your mate or relatives will now consider you an expert in human diseases!).
A second course objective is to gain an understanding of the underlying causes of human diseases and how potential therapies work.
A fact of life, much to the chagrin of many students, is that a new vocabulary, often appearing to border on a new language, faces us when we encroach on the fringes of the medical profession. I have found no miracle to avoid that fact of life in this course. It is very important to know how each vocabulary word is used in the context of human disease. I strongly recommend ongoing construction of a vocabulary deck on index cards or a vocabulary notebook. The old-fashioned 'Flash Card' concept is time honored! Lecture Notes and Study Skills: Please see me as soon as possible if you need help in this course! SUGGESTION: Review lecture notes soon after the lecture and perhaps start a second 'study notebook' . Compare notes with a classmate. Make an outline of the topic and supplement it with text information and drawings. Study with a classmate and quiz each other.
In this era, the student is dealt an injustice by attempting to provide an adequate understanding of human disease without teaching how cells work in relation to disease. We will
focus on a select number of carefully chosen human diseases and, to some extent, exploit these as a format for presenting and understanding the cellular biology ( ie., what's wrong with our system(s )) relevant to those diseases. During week 1 , you will get a 'primer ' on biological molecules and human cell function.
The first part of the course deals with infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. This logically follows our study of biomolecules and cells. The next topic will deal with our immune and non-immune defense systems. Immunological disorders and HIV and its connection to AIDS will be examined. This will be followed by Genetic Diseases . Genetically inherited diseases give us an opportunity to lay the groundwork for the molecular basis of inheritance. The heritable disease sickle cell anemia will be used as a working model to develop the entire picture of how a single mistake in a single gene can lead to a debilitating disease (however, afflicted individuals have resistance to malaria - a survival enhancer). This system will also help in understanding how the disease is passed from one generation to the next, and why the pattern of inheritance that is observed makes sense. Sex-linked diseases such as color-blindness and baldness will be examined . We will also examine stem cell therapy, gene therapy, and the latest in the use of gene arrays (new DNA/RNA) applications to health. Cancer - the genetic basis - will be an important topic reviewed in this section.
This will be followed by what's known as physiological diseases. These are less precisely defined and generally more poorly understood than the diseases arising from known genetic defects. In many cases the diseases have a genetic aspect, in that the tendency to develop the disease may run in families and may be inherited. The physiological diseases may involve interactions between several systems in the body and often arise due to external or environmental factors. Many of these appear later in life, i.e., hypertension and diabetes and corresponding therapies will be examined in detail.
We will end by covering certain selected neurological disorders. We'll include Alzheimer's ,Huntington's, Parkinson's diseases and Multiple Sclerosis.
In summary, the subject matter itself commands its own high level of interest and it is my expectation that you have a keen interest in gaining a better understanding of human disease.
Please refrain from munching on noisy snacks during lecture. Also, please do not bring children to class. However if emergency situations happen we can deal withthese on a case by case basis if discussed prior to lecture. When we have a EXAM scheduled, it may be given at the beginning of our class period, so BE ON TIME! If students skip lecture after the exam, then exams will be administered near the end of class time. An exam will not be given to anyone arriving after the first exam is turned in (usually occurs after 10 minutes or so).
RULES FOR EXAMS: Sit with at least one seat apart; if you are wearing a cap, place the bill of the cap backwards ( like a 'catcher'); don't ask to leave the room;turn off cell phones; no whispering or other communication except with Dr. Wanda;put notes, etc, away inside something so that no one can see them; cover your Scantron sheet while taking the exam; no electronic devices of any kind may be used during the exam. The instructor reserves the right to move students during the exam . Cheating will be penalized as permitted by the University.