Institutional Contexts for Technology

Course Syllabus




Philosophical Issues


What is a Technology Coordinator?


Planning for Technology Integration


Professional Development


Technology and the Curriculum


Software and Hardware





This Website, a work in progress, is meant to serve as a resource for those interested in learning about the use of computer and Internet technology in institutional contexts. The information here is directed primarily at those interested in working as a k-12 technology coordinator for a school district, though others interested in working with technology, especially in education, should find value in the site. This Website was a collaborative effort of the students in IT 560, Institutional Contexts for Technology, at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Spring, 2001. The instructor for the class was Peter Theodore. The students were Michele Burger, Robert Donaldson, Virginia Granger, Renee Greenlee, Christine Hughes, Dawn Jones, Debbie Nicholas, Sha Tedrick, Gayla Walters, Cindy Weymouth, Sue Woods, and Jo Wottowa.


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