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Asclepiad Page - The resource for succulent milkweeds/carrion flowers and the International Asclepiad Society.

Ask Earl - The Yard Care Answer Guy - For yard care problems, ask Earl the Answer Guy. He has solutions to all your yard problems including leaves, weeds, grass & pests. He can give you tips on how to maintain a beautiful lawn.

Back In The Yard - The development of a backyard garden in Rochester Hills, MI during the past seven years. Featured in three sections: The Pond, The Natural Garden and The Summer Garden.

Berry Nursery - Growers of over 73 varieties of Berry plants & Grapevines.

Garden Escape - Corporate American likes gardening too! A very slick sight.

Garden Gate - Open the gate and check out the garden.

Gardening Archive - Plant specifications, herbs and other FAQs & data files.

GardenWeb - Not to be confused with the "GreenWeb", but does have articles, reviews, forums, contests, a garden exchange, online catalogs and more!

Hardiest Palm, The - Grow a palm in Philadelphia? You bet! One man's vote for "The Hardiest Palm."

Howard Garrett's Basic Organic Program - Let "The Doctor of Dirt", teach you to garden the natural way -- without harmful pesticides or chemicals.

Jackson and Perkins - offers convenient catalog purchasing of over 100 varieties of premium quality roses, plus a wide variety of garden, gift, and home products.

New Growth, Inc. - Trees for fundraising, landscaping, promotions and gifts

Northern Gardening - For gardeners in the northern US.

Penn State Horticulture Variety Trial Garden - Flower and vegetable variety testing results

Seeds of Hope...Harvest of Pride - Newsletter for community vegetable gardeners by Cultivating Our Community, Ohio State University Extension's Urban Gardening Program in Cuyahoga County.

Strawberry Facts Page - Links and information, including recipes, gardening, factoids, and other weird and wonderful topics, all with a Strawberry Twist.

SUFA's Tree Care Center - Info on tree planting, pruning, and general care. Explains how professional tree appraisals can help you in insurance, real estate, and legal proceedings.

Weekend Gardener - Your weekly electronic gardening guide for the weekend gardener in most of us!

Welcome to the RotWeb! - If you have ever had any questions about composting, here's your chance to get them answered, a very informative site.

Rippingale Nursery - Growers of choice tree, shrub & climbing plants. Also the home page of Guy and Jeanie Meacham.

HUW'S PALM PAGE - A great info and resource page for cold hardy palms and more!

Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida (PACSOF)  -  They have an excellent Palm Encyclopedia with a vast selection of pictures online to view.

My Toolshed - A great source of gardening information.

Garden Net This will carry you to Garden Net's Homepage. A lot of interesting stuff for the serious gardener.

Palms of the World - A wonderful site for viewing images and learning a little info about different palms.



To find out how herbs are used for medicinal purposes and to learn about the plants they come from, visit A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve. This world famous herbal guide is now in electronic format courtesy of  Botanical.Com

Whole Herb - A fabulous site with lots of info on herbs, including new articles by leading herbologists. Good information on using herbs in your everyday life from all angles. A must see for herb lovers!

Alternative Natural Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease: FAQ

Henriette's Herbal Homepage - Lots of informative FAQs!

The Herb Research Foundation - Non profit research & education foundation to further the cause of herbal remedies and medicinal uses!

Harvard University Herberia - A treasure trove for those wishing to do serious research on herbs and their uses.

American Herbalists Guild - Primarily designed for professional herbalists, but has a lot of useful information for anyone looking for answers.

Herbnet - A very useful resource for herb farmers and consumers.

The Amazing Maze of Natural Medicine - The doctor is in, and he's talking about natural remedies!

Dr. Weil - He promotes alternative healing practices in his books. A believer in using herbs, vitamins and minerals to improve your health.

COUNTRY HERBALS by Andrea Handmade Herbal and Goatsmilk soaps, Bathsalts, Bath & Body oils and much more. All products are 100% ALL NATURAL.

Health+Plus Corp - Health+Plus's Vitalitea (tm) is a 32 fl. oz. herbal detoxifying concentrate that compares with Essiac(R) and Flor Essence(R).


Get Set! This is a great site with many helpful links, especially hydroponics links

Gardenline Houseplant Discussion Group - Topics on most popular and some unusual varieties!

How to grow Pineapple in your home An article from the Pineapple Page web site!

Automatic Houseplant Watering System - A neat idea from Home Automation Systems.

The Urban Farming Source Book - Lighting systems, hydroponics and lots of links!

Zone 10 was established to offer the horticultural community of zone 10 an efficient means of disseminating product information and current availability.


Bonsai Clubs International BCI is the foremost non-profit global organization of individuals and clubs, which are dedicated to the education of people in bonsai.

Bonsai  -  If you love bonsai, you'll find this interesting. They bill themselves as "the only auction site designed just for the bonsai enthusiast."  Going once, going twice,....

American Bonsai Society- Bonsai, American style!

Bonsai on the Web - All sorts of bonsai info, supplies, etc.

Internet Bonsai Club - So you say you dont have a bonsai club near you? Well you do now!

The Gainesville, FL, Bonsai Society

Bonsai in Britain The Federation of British Bonsai Societies (FOBBS) and the UK National Bonsai Collection. Some bonsai basics for beginners

Bonsai Styling & Advice Corner - Several trees with typical problems - comments from online club members - your comments welcome.

The Ikenobo Ikebana Society of South Florida

The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens


FireGirl Chili Page - FireGirl is a chili fanatic. So, along with Mrs. FireGirl, she has put together this web site for you which will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about chilies. Plus, because FireGirl and Mrs. FireGirl are social beings, they have created lots of places for you to add your own knowledge about chilies.

ChileNet - Featuring the ChileGod Search!

The Jalapeño Cafe - Best Chile Recipes on the Web they say!

Lynn's Chiles - A nice personal page paying homage to the chile.

Van's Hot Stop! - Every chile pepper product you can think of here!

International Hot Foods Home of the Finest Hot Stuff Around.

Bachri's Chili & Spice Gourmet - Featuring quality ingredients and sauces from South East Asia -- INDONESIA



The Amateurs' Digest - For lovers of cacti, succulents, caudiciforms & other collectible plants.

The Succulent Plant Page - succulent plants, asclepiads, haworthias

The Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum and the Arid Lands Newsletter, both at the  University of Arizona in Tucson.

Conservation items include CITES information and the Center for Plant Conservation - which wants to preserve rare plants. (1 out of 10 U.S. plants are endangered they say!)


Mahogany Wood Humidor - Complete plans and instructions courtesy of Popular Mechanics.

Growing Tobacco in England -  If you were concerned as to whether you could grow tobacco in your climate, see what they got growing in jolly old England!

A.S.C. Technical FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for the alt.smokers.cigars newsgroup.

The Tobacconist - Your cigar web site for those who enjoy fine cigars.

Cigar.Com - Claims to be the worlds finest virtual cigar community.

Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) The leading activist organization. Their focus is smoke-free policies and fighting preemption.

Tobacco BBS - News & Resources - Focuses on tobacco issues and featuring related news, history, book and movie lists, addresses, and quit-smoking tips for those inclined to do so.

Tobacco Control Resource Center - Provides tobacco control resources focusing on policy and legal issues of the tobacco control movement.

Tobacco Control Archives - scientific studies on the addictive nature of nicotine and other health effects of tobacco smoke.

American Medical Association - See the July 19, 1995 issue of JAMA that covers tobacco, as well as many other related issues by searching site by the word 'tobacco.'.


EXTOXNET An index of most insecticides from Oregon State University.

Plants Home Page - The "Plants Home Page" offers plant enthusiast, foresters, landscape architects, gardeners or other nurseries a place to locate the plants and resources they need.

Plant Genome Databases A fascinating amount of plant information available here from the government.

Common Names for Plant Diseases. Need to brush up on your plant diseases? Then this if definitely the place.

Wisconsin Fast Plants program - WFP is a science education and outreach program located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is funded by the National Science Foundation.



Gifted Gardner  -  All sorts of garden assosories for sale here, but also some good general gardening information.  They can even sell you "live worms, right to your doorstep" (yuck).

Nitron Organic Products - Also offers organic fertilizers as well as other organic home and pet care products too!

Bio-Organics Supply Center - They offer an interesting selection of organic fertilizers and other products as well as some good information on the subject. Of special interest is their Mycorrhizae Inoculant which can help restore a valuable link nature has provided in soil that is often killed off by comercial pesticides and fertilizers! A good informational article discusses this often delicate balance.

Organic Gardening Magazine - A fine magazine that we subscribe to ourselves. Filled with fresh ideas and perspectives on gardening organically for a better health of both you and your garden.

Artsmagic Ltd  -  They offer a nice selection of gardening "how to" videos.


Mimi's Cyber-Kitchen - Includes some of Mimi's own recipes, and tons of links to food/recipe related sites on the web. Very nice!

The Culinary Connection - Over 250 links with over 50,000 recipes!

The Flying Noodle - Check out this site for pasta, goodies and more! Fun graphics & attitude!

The Internet Culinary CyberCity - If food is your thing, check this one out.



The FLOWER LINK - The Flower Link is made up of a consortium of local florists across the US & Canada. These florists provide their own personal arrangements in their respective delivery areas. Same day service is available if the order is placed by at least 11am EST, in the US & Canada.

The Mouse Ear Oak Tree Project This is an interactive internet project open to schools worldwide with oak trees and frost;open to 3rd through 12th grade students.

The Study Web -  One of the web's premier sites of educational resources for both students and teachers!

As Seen on TV - A fun site full of all those amazing things you see on TV.!

IsabelDeco supplies high quality oil reproductions of Masterpieces: Van Gogh, Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Degas, Manet, Botticelli, & more ... Secure Order.

Weather Information Superhighway - From the Nat'l Weather Service in Talahassee Florida!

Internet Public Library - The first public Library on the Internet.

Ecological Interests Links - One stop shopping for some of the best ecological web sites on the net!



U S Postal Service - Need to find postage rate for a piece of domestic or foreign mail? Need to find a zip code or have a question pertaining to bulk or business mail, then check out this site.

Social Security Administration Office Got questions regarding benefits or need forms? This site has answers to all your questions regarding Social Security.

Small Business Administration Got questions, need a loan, want to send a comment? You can do it all from this page.

Consumer Information Center - Loads of information about Federal Programs of all types.

US Government - Almost any question on dealing with the US Government can be answered by visiting the FEDWORLD homepage.

US Patent and TradeMark Office - Got a great ideal that you want to protect? All you need to know is at this homepage.

SBA Business Shareware Program - Over 500 very useful software programs that are designed to help start and run a small business.