1 Audiam quid dicant!
Let me hear what they say!
I shll hear what they say..
2 Scribent quid dicas.
They will hear what you say.
3 Scripsit ut scires.
S/he wrote so that you would know.
4 Cum dixerimus, scripserunt omne verbum.
When we spoke, they wrote every word.
5 Dicebat tam celeriter ut non possentur(sic:
should be possent) scribi.
S/he was speaking so quickly that they (i.e., the words) were
not able to be written.
6 Discamus quid debeamus dicere.
Let us learn what we ought to say!
7 Discamus quid debeatur ab nobis.
Let us learn quid ought to be said by us.
8 Discemus quid debeamus.
We will learn what we ought to.
9 Discimus cur haec facta sint.
We learn (are learning) why these things are done.
10 Fecit pecuniam ut sui filii eam haberent.
S/he made money so that her/his sons would have it.