1 Rege victo, milites discesserunt.
The king having been conquered, the soldiers departed.
2 Duce viso, miles cucurrit ex urbe.
The leader having been seen, the soldier ran out of the city.
3 Libris poetae lectis, laudatus est.
The books of the poet having been read, he was praised.
4 Litteris missis ad uxorem, miles cucurrit in bellum.
The letters having been sent to his wife, the soldier ran into the
5 Nomine regis dicto, omnes laudaverunt illum virum.
The name of the king having been said, all praised that man.
6 Nubibus venientis, agricolae discesserunt ex agris.
The clouds coming, the farmers departed out of the fields.
7 Maribus pellentibus terram, naves amissae sunt.
The seas striking the land, the shis were lost.
8 Vitiis illius viri appellatis, senatus captus est
The vices of that man having been named, the senate was seized with
9 Veritate quaesita, nihil alium sed mala inventa
The truth having be sought, no other thing but bad things were found.
10 Imperatore expulso, imperium receptum est populo.
The ruler having been expelled, the power was received by the people.
Passive Periphrasis
Practice for Wednesday, 2/9
1 Res facienda est.
The thing must be done.
2 Res faciendae sunt. The things
must be done.
3 Res capiendae sunt. The things
must be seized.
4 Nubes videndae erant. The clouds
had to be seen.
5 Duces audiendi erunt. The leaders
will have to be heard.
6 Nomina dicenda erunt. The names
will have to be spoken.
7 Litterae scribendae erunt regi. The letters
will have to be written by/to the king.
8. Facta huius viri magni omnibus laudanda sunt.
The deeds of this great man must be praised by all.
9. Ferra illorum militum capienda sunt.
The swords of those soldiers must be seized.
10. Vita agenda est bene. Life must be lived well.