Review for Test 1

Nouns and Modifiers

1    lucis clarissimi             of the brightest/clearest light

2    limini dulciori               to the sweeter threshold

3    turpiore scelere           by/with/from the more filthy/base evil deed

4    tristes animos             sad spirits (acc.)

5    acriore lege                by/with/from a harsher law

6    geminae mensae        twin tables (nom)

7    vulnere ferocissimo     by/with/from the fiercest wound

8    ultimum limen             the last threshold (nom/acc)

9    pudicioris matris         of the more modest mother

10    fabulae tristis            of the sad story

11    accepto imperio     by/with/from the having been accepted/received power/authority

12    narratis fabulis        by/with/from the having been told stories

13    ridentis amici            of the laughing friend

14    servus petiturus        the slave about to beg (nom)

15    solaciis datis            to/for/by/with/from the comfort having been given

16    perfugii quaerendi    of the refuge about to be sought

17    gaudentis ducis        of the rejoicing leader

18    animos vertendos     spirits/courage about to be turned (ass)

19    nocte ventura           by/with/from the night about to come

12    sacerdoti sublato     to/for the priestess about to be raised

13    equi missi                 of the horse having ben sent
                                        the horses having been sent (nom)

14    consilia scribenda     plans about to be written (nom./acc)

15    hastas iactas             the having been thrown spears (acc)


1    dixisse                    to have said

2    factum esse            to have been done

3    datum iri                to be about to be said

4    scripturus esse        to be about to write

5    capi                        to be captured

6    moneri                    to be warned

7    venire                     to come

8    peti                        to be begged

9    vertisse                  to have turned

10    pressurus esse     to be about to push

11    exceptum esse    to have been taken out

12    discessisse         to have departed

13    didicisse            to have taught

14    prohibendum esse    to have to be prohibited

15    liberandum esse         to have to be freed

16    liberatum iri            to be about to be freed

17    miscuisse             to have mixed

18    moveri                to be moved

19    pepulisse            to have struck, beaten

20    pulsum esse       to have been struck, beaten


1    Credo eos adiuturos milites esse.             I believe that they will help the soldiers.

2    Negaverunt se sublaturi esse urbem clarissimam.     They denied that they would raise/raze the most famous city.

3    Putabant duces captos esse ab hostibus.     They were judging that the leaders has ben captured by the enemies.

4    Dixerunt pueros amaturos esse patrias eorum.     They said that the boys would love their fatherlands.

5    Vitia omnia fugienda sunt tibi.     All vices must be shunned by you.

6    Fabulis narratis, urbs monenda est.     The stories having been told, the city must be warned.

7    Eodem tempore, fugiunt petuntque perfugium in arce.   At the same time, they flee and seek refuge in the citadel.

8    Serpentes rapiunt patrem fortem currentem ad filios.     The serpents snatch away the brave father running to the sons.

9    Putavimus eum erravisse et poenas dedisse.      We thought that he had erred and had paid the penalty.

10    Superbo imperatore vocato, cives expulerunt eum ex arce. The proud emperor having been called, the citizens expelled him out of the citadel.

11    Narravit tristioram fabulam quam tuam.  He told a sadder tale than yours.

12    Veritate scita, sacerdotes accepti sunt ab fidelissimis civibus.   The truth having been known, the priests were accepted by the most faithful citizens.

13    Discessurus pater dixit se reventurum esse mox.   The father about to depart said that he would come back soon.

14    Credimus ducem capi et urbem fugiendam esse nobis.  We believe that the leader is captured and that the city ought to be shunned by us.

15    Putavit nihil carius vita esse.  He thought nothing was dearer to him than life.