Research of Marcus A. Agustin

Research Presentations at Professional Meetings
- Finite-Sample Properties of a System Reliability Estimator Under Imperfect
Debugging, 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings,
Denver, Colorado, August 2008
- System Reliability: A Dynamic Model Using Counting Counting Processes, 2008
Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego,
California, January 2008
- An Estimator of the Reliability of a System of Components,
2006 Hawaii International Conference on
Statistics, Mathematics, and Related Fields, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 2006
- Finite-Sample Properties of a System of Softwares, 2003
Joint Statistical Meetings, San Francisco,
California, August 2003
- A Dynamic Model for a System of Softwares Following the Littlewood Software
Reliability Model,
International Conference in Reliability and Survival Analysis,
University of South Carolina, Columbia, South
Carolina, May 2003
- Finite-Sample Properties of a Series of Softwares Using the Littlewood
Software Reliability Model, 2002 Joint Statistical Meetings, New York City,
New York, August 2002
- A Generalized Littlewood Software Reliability Model Using Exponential
Completion Times, 2002 Hawaii
International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields, Honolulu, Hawaii,
June 2002
- Statistical Properties of the Littlewood Model Using a Dynamic Modeling
Approach, Fifth North
American New Researchers Conference,
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, Georgia, July 31-August 3, 2001
- A Dynamic Competing Risks Approach for the Littlewood Model, 1999
Joint Statistical Meetings,
Baltimore, Maryland, August 1999
- Reliability of a Competing Risks System Following a Two-Stage Debugging
Fourth North American New
Researchers Conference, The Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, August 1999
- A Stopping Criterion for a Dynamic Competing Risks Model, International
Conference in Reliability and Survival Analysis, Northern Illinois
University, DeKalb, Illinois, May 1998
- A Dynamic Competing Risks Model with Applications to
Software Reliability, 7th Eugene Lukacs Symposium,
Bowling Green State University,
April 1997
- A Stopping Criterion for Software Reliability Testing,
1996 Joint Statistical
Meetings, Chicago, Illinois,
August 1996
- Dynamic Competing Risks Model with Applications in
Software Reliability, 1995 Joint Statistical
Meetings, Orlando, Florida,
August 1995
Research Papers
Agustin, M. (2010) Parallel-Series
and Series-Parallel Systems. To appear in
Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.
Agustin, M. (2010) Systems in
Series. To appear in
Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.
Agustin, M. (2010) Parallel
Configurations. To appear in
Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.
Agustin, M. and
Agustin, Z. (2009) Modeling a System of
Softwares Under Imperfect Debugging.
InterStat, July (4).
Agustin, Z. and
Agustin, M. (2009) Algebra and Precalculus
Skills and Performance in First-Semester Calculus.
International Journal of Case Method Research
and Application, 21(3), 232-236.
Agustin, M. (2007) Parallel, Series,
and Series-Parallel Systems.
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality
and Reliability, (eds. F. Ruggeri, R. Kenett, and R.W. Faltin), John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, 1317-1324.
Agustin, Z.,
Agustin, M. and
Pena, E. (2007) Analysis of
Recurrent Events and Testing for Minimal Repair.
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality
and Reliability, (eds. F. Ruggeri, R. Kenett, and R.W. Faltin), John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, 100-109.
Ritterbusch, R.,
LaFond, L. and
Agustin, M. (2006) Helping Students
Master German Case: Implications from an Action-Research Project.
Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching
German, 39, 30-45.
Agustin, M. (2006) An Estimator of the
Reliability of a System of Components. Proceedings of the 2006
International Conference in Statistics, Mathematics, and Related Fields.
Agustin, M. (2003) Statistical Properties
of a System Reliability Estimator Using the Littlewood Software Reliability
Model. Journal
of Applied Probability, 40, 766-778.
Agustin, M.
(2000) A Stopping Criterion for a Dynamic Competing Risks Model.
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 2,
Agustin, M.
Reliability Estimation for a System of Softwares. Abstracts' Book Vol. 1,
MMR2000, Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in
Reliability: Methodology, Practice and Inference
(eds. M. Nikulin and N. Limnios), Universite Victor Segalen-Bordeaux2, 51-54.
Agustin, M.
(1999) Asymptotic and Finite-Sample Properties of a Reliability Estimator for a
Competing Risks System.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 64,
Agustin, M. and
Pena, E.
(1999) A Dynamic Competing Risks Model.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 13,
Marcus A. Agustin / / Updated:
March 02, 2010