Creating an Online Lecture

Creating Online Lectures

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Recording a class lecture can be as simple or as complicated as you wish. There are four steps to follow to successfully create an online lecture, to eliminate frustration.

Step 1: Assess your need and your student's needs. There are many examples of online lectures including recording an in-class lecture, pre-record a lecture, record a mock case study.

Step 2: Determine what type of recording, audio, hybrid, video

Step 3. Record the lecture

Step 4: Distribute to the students - select the method of distribution, Blackboard, Podcast, RSS, Blogs, etc.

Skill Level

How comfortable are you with Technology? When you are faced with a piece of equipment or software, do you:

  1. See the technology and immediately start playing with it to see what it does
  2. Comfortable with technology and but need a users manual
  3. Look at the technology and look for someone to show you how to use it

The following rankings will be placed on the various project to indicate the skill levels.

Advanced: If you see technology and immediately start playing with it.
Intermediate: comfortable with technology but need some assistance
Novice: Not comfortable with technology but willing to learn


Won't my students skip class if I put my lectures online?
Yes and no. Some students will skip class no matter what the reason. Whether it's because they have an emergency, overslept, illness or other conflict, some students will skip class. Recording lectures will help those students catch up on what is missed. In order to keep most students coming to class regularly, adapt an attendance policy where you give credit to those attending class. Create in class assignments or discussions so that students must attend class in order to get credit.

For questions or more information, please contact Laura Million at 618-650-5500 or email me at

Copyright © 2010 - Laura Million
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