Tamesha Williams
Homework Assignment #2

        Pete and Stacy, a married couple in their early twenties, sit on a bench in a park on a cool evening in October. There is no sign of the sun. A gentle breeze travels through the park. It is almost deserted. The basketball players left thirty minutes ago. The dog and its owner just finished playing their last game of “Frisbee”, and they leave the park by way of a car. Occasionally, a jogger or walker passes by. Because of their surroundings, it is okay for the couple to use gestures such as holding hands, stroking each other’s cheeks, and kissing. It is a very relaxed place; however, if the physical environment were different, the two people would adapt their behavior quickly to fit their surroundings. If the couple were on a job in the workplace, they would interact professionally instead of personally. It would be unacceptable for them to kiss or embrace each other intimately because of where they are. It would be acceptable to do those things in a park. Yet, even in a relaxed place or environment such as the park, the couple would still have to adapt to the surroundings. It would be unacceptable for them to begin taking off their clothing and having sexual intercourse. Every physical environment has set unwritten rules of behavior. The ecology of the situation defines, determines, and affects the way Pete and Stacy behave toward each other.
        In modern American society, heterosexuality is a cultural more. It is considered immoral to be homosexual. Since the birth of this country, Americans have valued heterosexuality and procreation within the institution of marriage. Thus, no one looks oddly at Pete and Stacy when they hold hands or even kiss. Informal sanctions, which have a connection the norm, are put into action. Joggers and walkers alike pass the couple with a smile or politely say,” Hello.” One woman even sighs, “ How sweet,” as they cuddle against one another. Because they complied with the norms, Pete and Stacy were rewarded with kind words and gestures. Had it been a homosexual couple, the reactions would have been different. People passing by would have decided that the couple was out of the norm by openly displaying their homosexuality. The couple would have been given strange looks. People would pass by without saying anything. They might be laughed at or ridiculed because they broke the norm. They might even judge them, criticize them, or even consider them to be inferior. All of these reactions would be a result of being viewed as breaking a societal and cultural norm.
        Symbols are an important part of American society. They represent what we think, feel, or even value. The rings on Pet and Stacy’s third left finger symbolize that they are married to one another. They serve a purpose as more than just shin round objects that people buy. They symbolize that they have made a commitment to each other. The language they use also symbolizes their relationship with each other. Stacy shivers. Pete takes off his jacket and puts it around her. “I love you,” she says.” He responds with an I love you of his own. Each understands what the other means. The social relationship between the two adults affects the language they use around each other. Pete is not Stacy’s grandfather or father. I love you would mean something different. Because of their social relationship, it is not out of the ordinary they have come to use terms of endearment with each other such as Honey, Baby, Sweetheart, or Darling that they wouldn’t use with other people. They share a relationship as husband and wife, which is distinctly different from other relationships that they share with people. This personal language between the two has developed from their social relationship with one another.
        Pete works and attends school while Stacy only attends school. Pursuing a higher education means that both of them identify with American in that they highly value education. If Pete and Stacy did not attend college, it might be thought they did not value education lie the rest of America. Consequently, they would break the norm of going to college and be punished in society by not being hired for a well paying job, having to take menial jobs for people who do not continue their education in college. It is believed that every high school graduate should attend college. By breaking the norm, Pete and Stacy would be considered outsiders in American society.
        The couple recently welcomed their baby girl, Lily, into the world. Stacy has taken a little time off of school to care for Lily while Pete continues to go to school and work to support his family. Why did Pete not stay at home and care for the infant while Stacy stayed in school and worked to support the family? Family is a structure and cultural universal in America that contains its own characteristics and expectations. Pete and Stacy have the ascribe status of and are socially categorized as being married. It is considered normal for her to stay home with the baby. Based on the norms and values of modern society, the role of a typical American wife has been defined as the nurturing child-bearer, who takes care of the off spring while performing other domestic duties. She cleans the house and takes clothes to the dry cleaners. She does the laundry and take care of the food preparations for her husband, who has an altogether different role. He is expected to be the protector and provider of the family. He has power because he is the head of the household. He takes care of all the bills and any other financial matter that arise. He is the husband and she is the wife. Together, they fulfill the expectations that stem from the structure of family.
        If Pete and Stacy were told they were being observed, morality, norms, beliefs, and values would be questioned. Legal actions might not be a result of revealing to them that they wer3e being observed; however, dishonesty and deceit are not values in our culture. If I told Pete and Stacy about my observations, they might be upset that I did not respect their privacy. By not following the norms, I might be socially punished by them not speaking to me or anything else. We are part of American society. Our values, beliefs, and norms will forever remain a part of who we are.