Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Disney buys Pixar - CNN. I can not believe this. It seems the rumors have come true. I think this is the next step for Jobs to become CEO of Disney. It is his next step to world domination!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Intel Macs support 802.11a WiFi | MacNN. Looks like Apple has finally gotten a good idea from Intel. Adding a wireless is a great idea. I am glad they are going in the right directions with the new Intel Macs.


Taum Sauk reservoir spilled prior to last month's rupture | STLtoday. Here is the latest on the Taum Sauk that broke its bowl recently and flooded the MO area.

Monday, January 09, 2006

So last night, Amber and I were going through some old boxes and found some old Masterlock combination locks. I was all excited to show her how to open them since we had no combinations for them anymore. I quickly Googled up a link to this site. This method seems to work pretty well if you have an older lock. I opened both of our locks this way. I also found this site with another method. This second method may work better on newer locks but is more complicated. Here is the calculator you will need for this method. Have fun.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Putting DVDs onto your iPod | macteens. Here is a great little tutorial on how to use the great program Handbrake to re-compress video to play on iPods.


What's Up 2006 - Download it Free | UniverseToday. This is awesome. This guy has written a book that covers everyday of the year and what to sky-watch for. What's Up 2006 - 365 Days of Skywatching (13.5 MB). This is a must download for all of you that do any backyard observing.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Congress botched digital TV | FORTUNE. Here is some more info on Digital TV. I hope everyone is prepared to shop by 2009.


Every 7th-grader in Illinois should get a laptop, official proposes | STLtoday. This is a really great idea. I just hope that I would not have to foot the bill for it. Who am I joking, of course IL taxpayers will pay for this.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Makers of South Park turn to Apple for new storage setup | Computerworld. See. Even South Park knows how to do storage.


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2006. I hope everyone has their resolutions in place. I hope to exercise this year. I would say more but heck let us not lie. So welcome and enjoy this fresh start to a brand new year.

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