Friday, May 28, 2004

We spent some time this afternoon with our friends and their new boat. We went out to Lake Yager in Litchfield, IL. It is a nice little lake and it was lots of fun. We cruised around a bit and just relaxed.

Doctor Who fans applaud new assistant | The Register. The new season of Doctor Who is getting very close. Get ready, I am very excited.

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Thursday, May 27, 2004

This is one of my all time favorite parody songs.Star Trekkin (by The Firm), listen now.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Microsoft Extends Product Support To 10 Years | InformationWeek. Looks like you do not have to ditch Windows 2000 just yet.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Baby Dillon makes big entrance in back of mom’s Jeep | The Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News. This is a great reason to pick up a Libby. Ha ha!

Will Digital Radio Be Napsterized? by J.D. Lasica | Mindjack. We need to think about user rights not just copyright holders and the media GIANTS. I want fair use! I deserve fair use.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Amber has finished the furniture in our Dining Room Re-do. It looks great. She worked very hard and it shows.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

State of the Art: Mac Office: Windows All Over | The New York Times. Good review of the new Office for the Macintosh.


Thursday, May 20, 2004

News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids | Go out and take a look at the wonderful view of Venus and the Moon. Look west in the night sky after sunset to see this beautiful site.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The Business of Television | Broadcasting & Cable. I love AI and hope to see them work through these difficulties.

FBI Wants Answers on Cisco Theft | Wired News. This is an interesting story to follow. The rumors are that a hacker stole the source code to the routers that Cisco makes. This could potentially lead to some serious security issues with Cisco routers.

Monday, May 17, 2004

DNA Computer Kills Cancer Cells | Technology Review. This is amazing. We are getting so close. I hope this will all come together soon.

Student uncovers US military secrets | The Register. It seems technology and a bright human will over come all security.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Yahoo to overhaul its e-mail service | Mercury News. This is great news. I love my Yahoo! Mail.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Worm feeds on Sasser-infected computers | CNET Well here is yet another reason to keep your computers updated and virus free. Viruses praying on viruses, how strange.

Privacy jam on California highway | CNET This is a strange situation. I do not know exactly how I feel about all this digital invasion. We will see how things end up.

Vandergrift named new SIUE chancellor | It is official. We now have a new chancellor at SIUE. We will see what this change will bring us now.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Space Station to Eclipse Jupiter Thursday | This would be a sight to see. If you live near here get out and see the spectacle.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Phone Switching Delays Likely in U.S. Rural Areas | Yahoo! News. Well I am glad I am not wanting to move my phone number.

Hybrid Mileage Comes Up Short | Wired News. Look at this if you are thinking about a hybrid car.


Monday, May 10, 2004

Sasser Worm Suspect Confesses | Wired News. This is good news for all.

Friday, May 07, 2004

FBI investigates underground tunnel requests | The Daily Texan. Very interesting little article about freedom of information and how the FBI an Secret Service is reacting.

Night Sky Friday: Space Station Spotting: Now is the Season | It is always a good time for viewing the sky, but when you can see the ISS it makes it even better.

E-voting system security, integrity under fire | Computerworld. More news on e-voting machines.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Was Galileo Wrong? | Interesting thoughts on the science Galileo started.


GNEWBIE GNOOK: Why Windows Update Is Important | Lockergnome. Nice little blurb explaining why windows update is a necessary evil.

TechTV lays off San Francisco staff | CNET This is awful news. I love TechTV and do not know what this will mean for my favorite channel.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Mac OS X riddled with security holes | Just when you thought the Mac was safe. Better download the security updates.


Sasser.D Worm Arrives, Ready to Do Damage | This worm is getting to be just as nasty as Blaster from the past. It took me 2+ hours today to just disinfect two computers. This is getting outrageous.

Student hacks iTunes for compatibility | This is very nice. I like to have options, especially to play my own purchased music.

How to Save Energy: Just Guess | Wired News. This could revolutionize small embedded processing.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Who Hacked the Voting System? The Teacher | The New York Times. Nice little story on a pioneering professor named Aviel Rubin.

Sasser worm expected to hit hard on Monday | InfoWorld. It is OUT! Everyone update your virus definitions and turn on your firewalls. We need to be pro-active about these viruses and worms. We have already been hit hard on campus by this worm. You can read about it here.

Legal MP3 Downloads: Free Downloads for the next week from iTunes. Get them while they are hot!

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Well we did it. Amber and I, along with help from many others, had a yard sale this weekend. It was finally time to rid ourselves of some of the bulk we had accumulated over the years. We did very well, despite the rain. We rid ourselves of much of the stuff accumulating dust in the crevices of our house and made a pretty penny in exchange. We were so happy with the turnout we have decided to join a friends yard sale with our leftovers next month. Updates will follow.

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