INSTRUCTOR: Steve Wilper

PHONE: 650-5027
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 1:45-3:00
                                Wednesday 4:00-6:00
                               Thursday  1:45-3:00                                                               



TEACHING METHOD:  This class will consist of a combination of lecture, in-class exercises, and, hopefully, a lot of class   participation.  You will be assigned readings from the rental, purchase texts, and handouts, and will be expected to have read them prior to the particular class for which they were assigned.

COURSE OBJECTIVES:  This class is about analyzing problems, reading assignments, and class discussions, and then writing well developed, well organized, grammatically correct essays of your analysis and conclusions.  We will accomplish this by generating ideas from your experiences, from outside readings of various topics, from the world around you, from electronic media and from discussions in class; we will then turn these ideas into good writing.  Most of your assignments will ask you to make an argument of some sort and to support this argument with facts, examples, etc. Gone are the days when you could simply write the personal narrative and gone are the days when your opinion, unsubstantiated, is enough.  Because you “feel” strongly about something is just the starting point.  You must, in writing your papers and expressing your points of view, give ample logical reasons for your opinions and develop your arguments thoroughly.  

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: The following point system will be used to determine your final grade.  Your total points will be 1000 with 900-1000 being an “A,” 800-899 being a “B,”  720-799 being a “C," 620-719 being a "D," and below 620 is an "F."
  1. 1 in-class writing with revision: 100pts .
  2. 3 out-of-class essays: 700 pts. (200,250,250).
  3. Writing exercises: 200 pts 


ABOUT GRADES If you have an average below a "C" (for example, you have written several "D" or "F" papers and your point total is below 720), you will receive a D, a "PR" or an "F."  A "PR" means "progress" and is given when a student turns in the assignments and genuinely tries, but is not yet ready to move on to 102.  HOWEVER, THIS STUDENT MUST SHOW PROGRESS.  A "PR" is not factored into the student's GPA, but he or she must take 101 again.  STUDENTS CAN RECEIVE ONLY ONE “PR” IN ENGLISH DURING THEIR STAY AT SIUE.  IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS GRADE BEFORE, YOU NEED TO WORK HARD, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE ASSIGNED A LETTER GRADE THAT DOES COUNT TOWARDS YOUR G.P.A.  If assignments are incomplete or the student does consistent "D" or "F" work, he or she will be given that letter grade, which is factored into the student's GPA.  A grade of "D" IS NOT PASSING.  YOU WILL STILL HAVE TO TAKE THE CLASS AGAIN.  HOWEVER, THIS CAN BE AFFECTED BY THE PORTFOLIO.

THE PORTFOLIO: I will explain this in detail in class, but you will be required to keep a portfolio for departmental evaluation.  At this point, I do not have the information about how this will work, so I will give you a handout as soon as I know more about it.

PLACEMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: During the first few classes, you will take a grammar diagnostic test and write an in-class essay.  Based on these evaluations, you may be moved to another section of 101 or placed in an Academic Development course.  This is not punitive, but rather a method by which particular writing problems or strengths can be addressed. If you have further questions, please ask me or see the Student's Handbook on the English Department’s web site (which can be accessed from my web site).  

IN-CLASS WRITING ASSIGNMENT: There will be one in-class essay/writing assignment aside from the diagnostic essay.  This will be written in response to questions asked regarding previous reading assignments and will be written during one class period.  This will gain you 100 points.  The essay will then be incorporated into a revision exercise and you can receive a higher grade for your revision.

OUT-OF-CLASS ESSAYS: There will be (3) three assigned essays that will involve writing as a process.  You will first write a rough draft for peer group evaluation.  The drafts will not be graded, but will act as a guide in the process towards a final graded paper.    Though the drafts will not be separately graded, presenting them on the date due in peer group sessions will count towards your final grade (see “Peer Groups” below).  After the draft is reviewed in peer groups you will revise and work on your paper. This is your first revision.  Then, you will meet with me in a private conference to look at your paper, which should have been heavily revised since the draft you presented to your peer group. During the weeks of conferences, class will not meet.  This is not a week off, but a time to work on the paper.  During this time I will be in my office and you can come by for a personal conference (I will pass around a sign-up sheet the day of peer groups).  However, you must have a draft of your essay ready for me to look at if you sign up for a conference.  After this, you will do the necessary revisions and then bring your revised copy to the next class and turn it in for a grade.  This is your second revision. The out-of-class essays will be worth 700 pts (200, 250, 250).
READINGS: During the semester, you will be assigned various readings.  Some are listed on the schedule below and some I will give to you during class.  You will read these for the next class. These readings are for the purpose of class discussion and may be used as prompts for either reading responses, in-class essays, or quizzes.  

WRITING EXERCISES:  Writing exercises will usually be in conjunction with something not traditionally thought of as "formal" writing.  We might look at blogs, web pages, e-mail, even cover letters and resumes and critique and then create our own versions.  In addition, your letters of reflection for both portfolios will count towareds the writing exercise points.
PEER GROUP/DRAFTS: You are expected to participate in all group activities with an open mind and willingness to work.  On days that we meet in peer groups, you will bring 3 typed copies of the draft being worked on (or, if in a computer room a disk with your essay on it and one printed draft), unless told otherwise.  Drafts will not be graded, but presenting them to your peer group will figure in your final grade of the paper being edited.  IF YOU DON'T HAVE A DRAFT FOR PEER GROUPS, YOU WILL LOSE 10% OF OF THE FINAL GRADE OF THE PAPER.  Do not bring hastily hand-written drafts.  You will hand in one copy of your draft to me and you will have to sign a list to show you were in class and did peer work. If your draft is incomplete or hastily written, I will not give you credit for that peer group session and your final draft will begin minus 10% (I.E., I GRADE THAT PAPER AND THEN TAKE OFF A FULL GRADE AFTER MY EVALUATION).

ESSAY FORMAT: All drafts and assignments (with the exception of in-class reading responses and in-class essays if you are not in a computer lab) are to be typed, double-spaced, have a title, and contain your name and the course on the front page.  Essays not following this form will not be accepted.  

OVERALL CLASS PARTICIPATION: As I stated, this will be considered in your final grade.  

CLASS ATTENDANCE: I take signed attendance at the beginning of class.  If you are late, it is your responsibility to come and see me after class in order that I don't count you absent.  Further, it is your responsibility to come to me for any handouts you miss because of absence.   I will abide by the 10% policy discussed in the Student's Handbook--that is, if you miss more than ten percent of the classes (3 classes), you will not pass the course.    Also, if you are over 15 minutes late, this will be recorded as an absence.  And if you are late 3 times (under 15 minutes), this will count as an absence.  Since students sometimes forget, you will sign an attendance sheet at the beginning of every class.  During the first week, you will sign a paper that states that you understand the attendance policy.   Students who get 3 quick absences and then try to remain in the class must understand that it doesn't matter when you get the fourth.  You will fail.   FURTHER, MISSING A CONFERENCE WILL COUNT AS TWO ABSENCES. conference

LATE PAPERS: WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT A VALID EXCUSE .  If you have a medical emergency or other similar excuse, I will consider this.  Bring me documentation, however.  

PLAGIARISM: The policy on plagiarism (presenting another person's work as your own) is simple: if you do it, you flunk the course (see the Student's Handbook).  In addition, you may face further action from the university.

DISCUSSING A GRADE:  We all make mistakes.  If you wish to discuss a grade, set up an appointment with me.  Do not crowd around my desk after class in order that you can dispute a grade. Take the paper home, look at it and compose a well reasoned argument that you can present to me at our appointment.  

*Realize that I will usually assign things from one handbook or the other, but there are sections in the other handbooks that cover the same areas.  ALWAYS BRING YOUR SCOTT FORESMAN HANDBOOK TO CLASS.  


WEEK 1  (1/15 and 1/17)

     Tuesday        Thursday

WEEK 2  (1/22 and 1/24)


WEEK 3 (1/29 and 1/31)

  WEEK 4 (2/5 and 2/7)


(2/12 and 2/14)


WEEK 6 (2/19 and 2/21)


WEEK 7 (2/26 and 2/28)

WEEK 8 (3/4 and 3/6)


WEEK 9 (
3/11 and 3/13)  SPRING BREAK--NO CLASS

WEEK 10  (3/18 and 3/20)

    Tuesday     Thursday

WEEK 11 (3/25 and 3/27)

WEEK 12  (4/1 and 4/3)

WEEK 13 (4/8 and 4/10)

    Tuesday     Thursday
WEEK 14 (4/15 and 4/17)

    Tuesday     Thursday .
WEEK 15 (4/22 and 4/24)

WEEK 16 (4/29 and 5/1)
