The standard Reilly’s law of retail gravitation

A classical gravity model can be expressed as

Tij=k Mi Mj/dij2

where Tij is the interaction (trade, commuting, etc.) between locations i and j; k a constant; Mi and Mj are masses (population, total income, etc.) of locations i and j respectively; and dij the distance between i and j.

According to the gravity model, a retail center’s attraction to its customers is Mi /di2 or Mj /dj2.

When the attractions from the two centers are equal, there is Mi /di2 = Mj /dj2

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Fig. 1 Market delineation between centers i and j

In Fig. 1, point X shows the location where attractions from the two centers, i and j, are equal. Thus, to the left of X, attraction from i is higher and customers shop at i. The opposite is true to the right of X. Clearly, X delineates market between centers i and j.

From Mi /di2 = Mj /dj2, it can be shown that d iX = dij/(1+ √Mj/Mi). Where diX is the distance from center i to the market boundary X. Thus the market boundary from center j to X is djX=dij-diX.

The purpose of Reilly’s law of retail gravilation is to find diX or djX while other conditions (dij, Mi, and Mj) are known.

Reilly’s law of retail gravitation in two dimensional space

The standard Reilly’s model is one dimensional. A meaningful extension is to apply the principle to two dimensional space. As a result, several factors need to be considered.

First, while the one dimensional linear market is also the travel path, a two dimensional space requires a road network.

Second, customers travel along the road network to a given set of centers to purchase goods or services. Suppose they prefer to purchase at the nearest center. There is a need to calculate the pairwise market divides where the attractions from different centers are equal.

Third, there should be visualization of the market areas on the two dimensional space based on the principle of Reilly’s model.

The work-flow is indicated in Fig. 2. While the writing states what needs to be done at each step, the red symbol suggests the software to use for that step. Reilly 2

Fig. 2 Work-flow for two dimensional Reilly’s model

1. Obtain road network and centers

This step can be easily accommplished through downloading roads and point shapefiles from the Census or other sources.

2. Calculate distance matrix over the centers

After the road network is obtained, there may be need for processing such as defining speed, directionality, or crossings. This could be a time-consuming process and will not be further discussed at this point. Assume the road network is ready, the distance matrix can be calculated using the QNEAT3 plugin of QGIS 3.4, which actually calculates an edge list. The edge list can be converted to distance matrix by R package igraph .

3. Calculate market boundaries among pairwise centers

This step uses the R package SpatialPosition . Specifically, the reilly( ) function from the package is used with the following input: the center point shapefile with an attribte variable indicating the center masses (size measures such as population, total GDP, etc.), a outline shapefile for the study area, and distance matrix. The user also need to specify the distance decay function (power or exponential), the exponent of distance decay function, etc.

4. Processing the results for visualization

Results from R package SpatialPosition needs to be further processed for clarity and visual appeal by using a few other R packages raster, rmapshaper, and rgeos . The final results include both raster and vector maps.

Example 1: Reilly’s law of retail gravitation in two dimensional space

In this exmple, I used a point shapefile called places_2county (Fig. 3), which contains places and designated places defined by the U.S. Bureau of Census in the Madison and St. Clair two county region of Illinois; a line shapefile roads_2county (Fig. 3), contains roads within the bi-county area with about a 19 km (11 miles) buffer of roads; the third file is a polygon shapefile which is the outline of the Madison and St. Clair two county region. This last file is used for reilly( ) function.

Fig. 3 Centers and road network                     Fig. 4 A portion of the edge list, distance in meters

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Fig. 5 A portion of the distance matrix, distance converted to km, place names added

Fig. 4 shows the edge list created in QGIS, which is converted into a distance matrix (Fig. 5) using R.

Input shapefiles and the distance matrix with necessary set-up parameters into the reilly( ) , the resultant market delineations are shown in Fig. 6 to Fig. 8.

Fig. 6 Raster map                                 Fig. 7 Vector map                               Fig. 8 Smoothed vector map

Fig. 6 shows a raster map created in R from package SpatialPosition ;Fig. 7 shows a vector map converted from the raster map in Fig 6; Fig. 8 shows the result of processing Fig. 7 using R packages raster, rmapshaper, and rgeos. It is clear that some centers are placed within the same market due to either short distance between them or one center is significantly larger or more attractive than the other.

Example 2: Hierarchies of central places and market areas

Application of Reilly’s model can be extended to incorporate concepts from central place theory. One such notion is the association of the size of places with their market functions with larger places offerring both basic and specialized goods and services and smaller places offerting only basic services.

Following this notion, we can divide the places into size categories and assume competition occurs at various functional levels. That is, competition for basic services occurs among centers of all sizes; competition for more specialized services occurs among larger centers, and competition for the most specialized services occurs among the largert centers.

For example, the centers in the study area are divided into three population size groups, small, medium, and large. Fig 9. shows centers of all sizes and they all compete for markets in basic goods and services. Fig.10 shows medium and large sized centers and they compete for markets in more specialized goods and services. Fig. 11 shows large sized centers and they compete for markets in most specialized goods and services. At the same time, the distance matrices are calculated separately for the three point files.

Fig. 9 All centers                                 Fig. 10 Medium and large centers               Fig. 11 Large centers

Running the work-flow separately with the three point files and distance matrices results in Fig. 12 to Fig. 14, each showing the market areas in basic, more specialized and most specialized goods and services.

Fig. 12 Markets for basic goods   Fig. 13 Markets for more specilized goods         Fig. 14 Markets for most specialized goods

Combining centers and/or markets for different functions and sizes gives rise to hierarchical cental places and market areas, as shown in Fig. 15 to Fig. 17.

Fig. 15 Central place hierarchy   Fig. 16 Market area hierarchy       Fig. 17 Central place and market area hierarchies

Fig. 15 shows the hierarchy of central places of various sizes and functions. Fig. 15 shows the hierarchy of market areas of various sizes and functions. Fig 17 is the combination of the hierarchies of central places and market areas from Fig. 15 and Fig. 16.

Here are a few interactive maps which show various layers within a herarchical system

Interactive map of hierarchy of central places

Interactive map of hierarchy of market areas

Interactive map of hierarchies of central places and market areas

Example 3: Calculation of market area boundaries

One limitation of R package SpatialPosition reilly( ) is that it does not output results of calculations, which means that you do not know the actual distance between a center and its market boundaries except seeing them on the map. You can do the calculation by youself using the formula d iX = dij/(1+ √ M j/Mi). The work-flow is shown in Fig. 18. Reilly 2

Fig. 18 Work-flow for market boundary calculation

1. Calculate all pairwise market boundarie

This step can be easily accommplished through an *R for-Loop . The result is shown in Fig. 19. Note the matrix is no longer symmatrical as that in Fig. 5.
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Fig. 19 A portion of all pairwise market boundaries, units in km

2. Identify adjacent neighbors

The map in Fig. 12 only displays market boundaries between spatially adjacent units. Thus we need to bring the point shapefile places_2county into QGIS to create Voronoi polygons around all centers. The Voronoi polygons shapefile is then brought into GeoDa to create a Queen Contiguity
weight matrix of the first order.

3. Create adjacency matrix

The Queen Contiguity weights matrix is brought into R package igraph to create an adjacency matrix as shown in Fig. 20. In the matrix, all adjacent neighbors are identified with 1’s and non-adjacent with 0’s.

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Fig. 20 A portion of the adjacency matrix

4. Obtain market boundaries for adjacent neighbors

The element-wise multiplication between the all pairwise market boundary matrix (Fig. 19) and the adjacency matrix (Fig 20) in R gives rise to market boundary matrix of spatially adjacent units, as shown in Fig. 21. This data matrix supplements maps in Fig. 15 to Fig. 17.

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Fig. 21 A portion of the adjacent market boundaries, units in km

Example 4: General function forms and their paratemers

So far, we have been using the standard gravity model and standard Reilly’s model in which the exponent of the masses is 1 and that of the distance is 2. The general gravity model with an inverse distance weight of distanc decay takes the form of

Tij=k Mi aMja/dijb

where a is the exponent of the masses (attractions) and b the exponent of distance. Other terms are as before.

The general gravity model with a negative exponential weight of distanc decay takes the form of

Tij=k Mi aMja/exp(bdij)

As a result, the general form of Reilly’s model becomes

diX = dij/(1+ (Mj/Mi)a/b) and diX = 0.5(dij-ln(Mj/Mi)a/b) for the inverse distance and negative exponential distance function respectively.

The difference in functional forms leads to the distance decay parameter b with very different magnitudes.

Fig. 22 to Fig. 24 compare distance exponents in power and negative exponenetial functions. When exponent in power function (red curve) is -1, moving the slider between -0.1 to -0.5 to change the exponent of the negative exponential function (black curve). At around -0.25, a visual examination determines the negative exnonential function has comparable values to those of the power funtion.

Fig. 22 bIDW =-1, bExp =-0.1                                 Fig. 23 bIDW =-1, bExp=-0.25                   Fig. 24 bIDW=-1, bExp=-0.5

In Fig. 25 to Fig. 27, The exponent in power function (red curve) is -2, the exponent in negative exponenetial function (black curve) varies from -0.1 to -0.75. At approximately -0.65, the resultant weight reaches comparable values to those the power funtion with exponent of -2.

Fig. 25 bIDW=-2, bExp=-0.1                                 Fig. 26 bIDW=-2, bExp=-0.65                   Fig. 24 bIDW=-2, bExp=-0.75

Finally, In Fig. 28 to Fig. 30, the power function (red curve) exponent is -3, and the negative exponenetial function (black curve) exponent varies from -0.1 to -1.5. At about -0.9, the resultant weight reaches comparable values to those the power funtion with exponent of -3.

Fig. 28 bIDW=-3, bExp=-0.1                                 Fig. 29 bIDW=-3, bExp=-0.9                   Fig. 30 bIDW=-3, bExp=-1.5

In above examples, when the exponent becomes more negative, the distance decay is more profound in both functional forms. The ratios of power function exponent to negative exponential function exponent are 4=1/0.25, 3.1=2/0.65, and 3.3=3/0.9. Clearly, there is no strict regularity here. However, it seems that the power function exponent is at least 3 to 4 times as large as the negative exponential function exponent.

The above empirical ratios based on visual comparison may not be very accurate. An optimization analysis is performed. The objective is to seek the optimal exponent value for the negative exponential function which minimzes the difference in the weights from the power function. The process experiments different values as the exponent of the negative exponential function to discount distance values from a distance dataset. The discounted distances are then compared with the discounted distances obtained from using a power function. The search process continues until an exponent value is found which generates the smallest difference in discounted distance values from the power function. For this purpose, the R package rgenoud is used which uses the genetic algorithm for optimization. The algorithm simulates the biological process where parents give births to children with genetic characteristics from the parents. The characteristics which help reach the optimization objective will be passed on generation after genereation. The selection process continues until a convergence takes place or a pre-set number of generations is reached. The distance data used in the optimization is the distance matrix obtained from the places_2county point file and roads_2county line file. The results are shown in Fig. 31 to Fig. 33.

Fig. 31 bIDW=-1, bExp=-0.21                                 Fig. 32 bIDW=-2, bExp=-0.62                   Fig. 33 bIDW=-3, bExp=-1

As can be seen, the optimal exponent value for the negative exponential function which matches the power function with exponent =-1 is -0.21; the optimal exponent value for the negative exponential function which matches the power function with exponent =-2 is -0.62; and the optimal exponent value for the negative exponential function which matches the power function with exponent =-3 is -1. These exponent values largely conform to the visual examination results.

The above discussion only focues on the difference in magnitude between power and negative exponential distance decay exponents without attraction factors (masses). Knowing the differences helps in simulation studies. The actual distance functional forms and/or exponents are often calibrated from sample information.