Adam G. Weyhaupt
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Edwardsville, Illlinois 62026
-at - siue -dot- edu
Vadalabene 1026
(618) 650-2220
I'm an associate professor and chair of the SIUE mathematics and statistics department. During Fall 2015, I am teaching Math 320 (Introduction to Algebraic Structures), Math 450 (Real Analysis) and INTG 300 (Foundations of Integrative Studies). If you are taking one of my courses, you might find the teaching page helpful. I use Blackboard for all course materials.
A LaTeX documentclass for writing SIUE masters theses is available here.I study minimal surfaces; these are surfaces that mathematically model soap films. I am particularly interested in triply periodic minimal surfaces. These surfaces separate space into two congruent regions, and they may have applications in biology, chemistry, and materials science. The picture in the corner of this page is a piece of the gyroid minimal surface, a particularly intriguing triply periodic surface that I studied as a part of my dissertation. The research page has more information about these surface (including links to lots of pictures!) and a list of my papers. I'm also interested in mathematics in decision theory and politics.
My CV is available here: vita.