Lecture Outline, World History, HIST 112a, Early India

Dr. Thomason

Q: Where is the earliest civilization in India and how did civilization begin there?

A: Indus River Valley, northwestern India and Pakistan. One of two major E-W river systems in India. Close to southwest Asia and overland trade routes. Begins ca. 2500 B.C.E.

Q: How was agriculture practiced in the Indus River Valley?

A: Rainfall not consistent, so reliant on river water. Canals and levies. Constant fear of catastrophic floods.

Q: What was the structure of Indus Valley civilization?

A: Large, well-planned cities with excellent drain systems, sewers, standardized architecture, public works projects. Cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. Major trade with Mesopotamia.

Q: What language did they speak and what was their written script like?

A: Undeciphered script, unknown language. Stamp seals, pictograms, symbols, patterns. Unknown function of script.

Q: What was their religion like and how was it organized?

A: Polytheistic? Deities on stamp seals? Animal gods or totems? Rituals possibly involved water and bathing, with central shrine or temple in large cities. Political organization:  centralization, but no kings, palaces.  Priest-rulers?

Q: What happened to the Indus Valley civilization?

A: Decline by 2000-1500 B.C.E. At same time as migration of "Aryans" from central Asia. Floods or earthquakes? Violent conflict? Result of diffusion of peoples or internal collapse?

Q: Who succeeded the Indus Valley civilization?

A: Slow incursions of several different groups: "Aryan" and others (pottery styles differ). Later legends claim Aryan warriors invaded, violently conquered and took over. "Aryan" Refers to linguistic group, not racial or skin color characteristics. Central Asia, Indo-European, bring Vedic texts with them (7-6th century B.C.E.): legendary stories about warriors, horsemen, courtly society. Occupied former Harappan lands and pushed south to Ganges River Valley.

Q: What was early Aryan civilization like?

A: According to Vedic hymns, "warrior" culture, horsemen, patriarchal with separate priestly (Brahman) class. Social structure of India begins to emerge (later called "Caste" system). Elites are warriors and priests (vs. non-Aryan dasas), with strict rules against intermarrying and interbreeding between groups. Polytheistic society, with kings and priests. Some Aryan gods are pre-cursors or worshipped in later Hindu religion.