Environment, Food Production,

and Technology in World History

Q: What is relevance of Environment and Biology for studying history?

A: Historian use tools of other disciplines to understand the past, just as other disciplines also study the past with their own approaches and methods.

Q: What are the competitive advantages to human populations of producing your own food?

A: Health, Number, Surplus/Adversity, Specialization of Labor, Immunity to animal-born diseases

Q: How do you go about producing your own food?

A: Domestication of plants and animals

Q: Did the first farmers know they were heading down the past of food production?

A: No, it was most likely an unconscious choice that gave them a competitive advantage over their neighbors.

Q: Why did some human groups living in certain areas practice food production earlier than others? And why did some adopt it only after influenced by other human groups, or never at all?

A: In many cases, it's a consequence of the environment and its biology, and NOT the characteristics of the people or culture that live in a particular place.