Ali Kutan is a Professor of Economics and Finance at Southern
Illinois University at Edwardsville, an associate member of the Emerging
Market Group (EMG), Cass Business School, London,
a research fellow at the William
Davidson Institute (WDI), University of Michigan
Business School, and a senior fellow at the Center for European
Integration Studies (ZEI), University of Bonn,
Germany. His research interests include applied international finance,
financial markets and institutions, and financial aspects of economic
development. His recent work focuses on the transition economies of
the Central and East Europe, China, Turkey, the EU and the U.S. His
recent research topics include the determination of asset prices in
emerging markets, the monetary aspects of the enlargement of the European
Union, and the impact of IMF actions on emerging markets.
Professor Kutan currently works on monetary policy issues regarding
Polish economy as a member of an IMF research team. He was a visiting
scholar at the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis from August 1998 through August 1999. His research is supported
through several agencies, including The National Council for Eurasian
and East European Research, the U.S. Department of Education, and the
William Davidson of Institute of the University of Michigan Business
School. His paper on “Exchange Rate and Trade Policy on Transition
Economies” won the “Paper Competition Award” through
the Association
for Comparative Economic
Studies (ACES) in 1992 and his recent paper with
Josef Brada on “Monetary Policy Convergence Between the Candidate
Countries and the European Union” was the co-recipient of the
best paper prize awarded by the Editorial Board of Economic
Systems in summer 2001.
Professor Kutan served as a consultant to the World Bank involving a
project on enterprise behavior in the transition economies of Eastern
Europe. He has recently provided management training for the Boeing
Company in two locations, St. Louis and California, in the areas of
international finance and business management.
He has published extensively in several economics and finance journals,
including Applied Economics, Applied Financial Economics, Atlantic Economic
Journal, Comparative Economic Studies, Eastern European Economics, Economic
Inquiry, Economic Systems, Economic Letters, Journal of Banking and
Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Studies,
Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Financial Services
Research, International Journal of Finance, Southern Economic Journal,
Open Economies Review, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, and
Review of International Economics. His other work also appeared in the
Transition Newsletter of the World Bank, Review of the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis, and book volumes published by the New York University
and MIT Press.
In addition to his research, Professor Kutan serves as a referee for
numerous professional journals. He is a member of several professional
organizations, including the American Economic Association, American
Finance Association, the Association for Comparative Economics, and
the Financial Management Association. He serves at the editorial board
of Comparative Economic Studies, Economic Systems, and International
Business and Economic Review. Since joining the faculty in 1990, Professor
Kutan has received several funded research grants from SIUE.
He served as the co-editor of Comparative
Economic Studies from 2001 to 2003. He is currently the editor of
Markets Finance and Trade (formerly Russian and East European Finance
and Trade) and the American editor of Economic
Professor Kutan teaches a variety of economics and finance courses,
including international finance and financial econometrics for economics
and finance majors, and international business courses for MBA students.